Cancer Awareness and Prevention Education clinical trials at University of California Health
1 research study open to eligible people
Engaging Diverse and Underserved Communities in Cancer Awareness Training and Education
open to eligible people ages 18-80
The University of California Davis, Comprehensive Cancer Center's (UCDCCC) Office of Community Outreach and Engagement (OCOE) serves the 19 catchment counties which approximately consists of 5 million residents. Currently, the overall catchment population cancer screening rates fall below 80%. The aim of OCOE is to increase cancer education (prevention, screening, and vaccination) and training. Through education, and encouraging participation in routine screening for early detection, this can help increase cancer knowledge. In addition to cancer education, OCOE wants to educate community members regarding modifiable risk factors which include tobacco usage, being overweight/obese (physical inactivity/poor nutrition), and lack of immunizations. By increasing knowledge of cancer prevention, screening, and vaccination this will help community members become more aware of their cancer risk.
at UC Davis
Our lead scientists for Cancer Awareness and Prevention Education research studies include Julie Dang, Ph.D..
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