Decision Support System clinical trials at University of California Health
1 in progress, 0 open to eligible people
Assisted Fluid Management (AFM) System and Postoperative Outcome After High-risk Abdominal Surgery
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Goal directed fluid therapy (GDFT) or "Personalized fluid therapy" may benefit high-risk surgical patients but these strategies are infrequently implemented. It has also been shown that without any goal or protocol for fluid resuscitation, large inter- and intra-provider variability exist that have been correlated with poor patient outcomes. Recently, an "Assisted Fluid Management" (AFM) system has been developed to help ease some of the work associated with GDFT protocol implementation. The AFM system may help increase GDFT protocol adherence while leaving direction and guidance in the hands of the care providers. This artificial intelligence-based system can suggest administration of fluid boluses, analyse the hemodynamic effects of the bolus, and continually re-assess the patient for further fluid requirements. To date, there are no large outcome study using this AFM system. The primary objective of this trial is thus to evaluate the impact of this AFM system to guide fluid bolus administration on a composite of major postoperative complications in high-risk patients undergoing high-risk abdominal surgery.
at UC Irvine UCLA
Our lead scientists for Decision Support System research studies include David BOLDT, MD.
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