Heart Transplant clinical trials at University of California Health
9 in progress, 4 open to eligible people
Allograft Dysfunction in Heart Transplant
open to eligible people ages 18 years and up
The investigators will evaluate for early evidence of cardiac allograft dysfunction by cardiac MRI and single cell sequencing to determine underlying molecular and macroscopic causes.
Levothyroxine Supplementation for Heart Transplant Recipients
open to eligible people ages 18 years and up
This will be a prospective, randomized study performed at a single tertiary referral academic medical center (University of California San Francisco, CA), evaluating the survival benefits of levothyroxine compared with no levothyroxine for patients who have undergone heart transplant. It will be double-blinded and placebo-control; participants will be randomized to receive levothyroxine or receive no levothyroxine.
MCNAIR Study: coMparative effeCtiveness of iN-person and teleheAlth cardIac Rehabilitation
open to eligible people ages 18 years and up
Cardiac rehabilitation is a medically recommended program for patients with certain heart conditions. It includes exercise training, health education, and counseling. Unfortunately, many patients do not participate in cardiac rehabilitation. Some find it challenging to attend the in-person sessions. This study aims to compare two methods of delivering cardiac rehabilitation: in-person and through telehealth. The investigators want to know if the effects of these two programs are alike and if certain individuals benefit more from one program over the other.
US National OCS Heart Perfusion (OHP) Registry
open to all eligible people
This Registry is a sponsor initiated, multi-center, observational post-approval registry with independent academic oversight.
Effectiveness Study in Heart Transplant Patients of Rejection Surveillance With Cell-free DNA Versus Endomyocardial Biopsy
Sorry, not currently recruiting here
This is an open label Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER) study in which patients will be randomized at the site level to Prospera surveillance or EMB surveillance in a 2:1 ratio (Prospera to EMB) at each site. Subjects will be enrolled into the study while under evaluation for heart transplantation or on the transplant waiting list prior to heart transplantation. All subjects will follow the center's standard of care surveillance schedule from transplant through 4 weeks post-transplantation. EMB during this phase is expected to occur roughly weekly or bi-weekly. Study group assignment will take place at randomization. Subjects will be randomized 30 days (± 10 days) post-transplant to Prospera surveillance versus EMB surveillance in a 2:1 ratio. Rejection surveillance (Prospera Group and EMB Group) will be performed at times corresponding to the institutional standard of care schedule for rejection surveillance.
Tacrolimus/Everolimus vs. Tacrolimus/MMF in Pediatric Heart Transplant Recipients Using the MATE Score
Sorry, in progress, not accepting new patients
The TEAMMATE Trial will enroll 210 pediatric heart transplant patients from 25 centers at 6 months post-transplant and follow each patient for 2.5 years. Half of the participants will receive everolimus and low-dose tacrolimus and the other half will receive tacrolimus and mycophenolate mofetil. The trial will determine which treatment is better at reducing the cumulative risk of coronary artery vasculopathy, chronic kidney disease and biopsy proven-acute cellular rejection without an increase in graft loss due to all causes (e.g. infection, PTLD, antibody mediated rejection).
Tocilizumab in Cardiac Transplantation
Sorry, in progress, not accepting new patients
The purpose of this research study is to see if a study drug called Tocilizumab will, when given with standard anti-rejection medicines, lead to better heart transplantation outcomes at 1 year after the transplant. Specifically, the investigators will evaluate whether taking tocilizumab leads to less rejection, less development of unwanted antibodies, and better heart function.
XVIVO Heart Perfusion System (XHPS) With Supplemented XVIVO Heart Solution (SXHS)
Sorry, in progress, not accepting new patients
The purpose of this study is to evaluate if Non-Ischemic Heart Preservation (NIHP) of extended criteria donor hearts using the XVIVO Heart Preservation System (XHPS) is a safe and effective way to preserve and transport hearts for transplantation.
Surveillance HeartCare® Outcomes Registry
Sorry, in progress, not accepting new patients
This is an observational registry to assess the clinical utility of surveillance using HeartCare testing services, in association with clinical care of heart transplant recipients.
Our lead scientists for Heart Transplant research studies include Liviu Klein, MD Jason Smith, MD Alexis Beatty, MD, MAS Paul Kim, MD.
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