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Low Positive Affect clinical trials at University of California Health

1 research study open to eligible people

Showing trials for
  • Wellbeing Intervention on Inflammation Through Reward and Threat Processes

    open to eligible people ages 18-25

    This study aims to evaluate how savoring influences reward and threat processes and downstream inflammation. Savoring is designed to enhance positive affect, which may blunt stress responses and reduce downstream inflammation. The investigators aim to examine changes in the brain following the savoring intervention. The investigators are particularly interested in changes in brain activity that are correlated with changes in inflammation-related markers in the blood. In this single-armed pilot trial, the investigators will assess how savoring alters reactivity to rewarding and threatening experiences, and then examine related changes in downstream inflammation. The investigators intend to recruit 20 undergraduate students to complete a 7-week standardized savoring intervention. Participants will complete brain scans, daily diaries, questionnaires, a behavioral task, and blood collection at pre- and post-intervention assessments.

    at UCLA

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