Pulmonary Embolism clinical trials at University of California Health
8 in progress, 4 open to eligible people
Two Pulmonary Embolism Treatments
open to eligible people ages 18-80
The primary objective of this trial is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of treatment with anticoagulation alone versus anticoagulation and mechanical aspiration thrombectomy with the Indigo Aspiration System for the treatment of intermediate-high risk acute pulmonary embolism (PE).
Endovascular Engineering ENGULF Study
open to eligible people ages 18-90
Evaluation of initial safety and clinical feasibility of the Hēlo PE Thrombectomy System for thrombectomy in acute submassive pulmonary embolism (PE).
Pulmonary Embolism - Thrombus Removal With Catheter-Directed Therapy
open to eligible people ages 18 years and up
PE-TRACT is an open-label, assessor-blinded, randomized trial, aiming to compare catheter-directed therapy (CDT) and anticoagulation (CDT group) with anticoagulation alone (No-CDT) in 500 patients with submassive PE, proximal pulmonary artery thrombus and right ventricular dilation.
at UC Davis UCLA
Long-Term Safety and Outcomes of Treating Pulmonary Embolism With the Indigo Aspiration System
open to eligible people ages 18 years and up
The objective of this study is to evaluate real world long-term functional outcomes, safety and performance of the Indigo Aspiration System for the treatment of pulmonary embolism (PE).
Pulmonary Embolism Prevention After Hip and Knee Replacement
Sorry, in progress, not accepting new patients
PEPPER is a randomized study comparing the three most commonly used anticoagulants in North America in patients who have elected to undergo primary or revision hip or knee joint replacement surgery. The anticoagulants being compared are enteric coated aspirin, low intensity warfarin, and rivaroxaban.
Non-Invasive Measurement of Cardiac Output and Stroke Volume in PE
Sorry, currently not accepting new patients, but might later
Pulmonary embolism impacts over 1 in 1000 adults annually and is the third leading cause of cardiovascular death after heart attack and stroke. The consequence of each PE is widely variable. Physiologically, the morbidity and mortality of PE is ultimately caused by failure of the right ventricle. The acute rise in pulmonary vascular resistance caused by a PE can overwhelm the right ventricle, resulting in a drop in cardiac output and death from failure of the heart to provide vital perfusion. Despite the importance of stroke volume and cardiac output in the current understanding of PE mortality, they are notably absent from risk stratification scores because they historically could only be measured invasively. Novel non-invasive methods of estimating stroke volume and associated cardiac output have the potential to revolutionize PE risk stratification and care. Non-invasive blood pressure (NIBP) monitors can even measure stroke volume beat to beat, allowing for continuous evaluation of cardiac function. NIBP systems are typically composed of a finger cuff with an inflatable bladder, pressure sensors, and light sensors. An arterial pulse contour is formed using the volume clamp method of blood pressure measurement combined with calibration and brachial pressure reconstruction algorithms. The stroke volume with each heart beat can be estimated as the area under the systolic portion of the blood pressure curve divided by the afterload. NIBP monitors may improve clinical care of PE because they allow for assessment of dynamic cardiac changes in real time. Detection of worsening stroke volume in acute PE could inform providers of impending cardiac collapse, and improvement of stroke volume may function as a positive prognostic factor or marker of therapeutic success. Use of NIBP monitors during acute PE to identify clinically significant changes in cardiac function may advance both PE prognostication and management. Our clinical study proposes to monitor hemodynamic parameters including stroke volume in patients with acute pulmonary embolism using non-invasive blood pressure monitors. The relationship between hemodynamic parameters and PE outcomes will be assessed, as well as the changes in hemodynamic parameters with PE intervention. To our knowledge, interval monitoring of stroke volume during acute PE with NIBP monitors has never been reported before.
Role of EBUS in the Diagnosis of Acute PE in Critically Ill Patients
Sorry, accepting new patients by invitation only
Acute pulmonary embolism (PE) in critically ill patients is common and often life threatening. The diagnosis of acute PE is often entertained in intensive care unit patients who develop unexplained hypotension or hypoxemia. Obtaining diagnostic confirmation of acute PE with a contrast-enhanced computed tomography of the chest (CT angiogram) may be difficult as patients are often too unstable for transport to the CT scanner or have renal insufficiency limiting the ability to receive intravenous contrast agents. Making or excluding the diagnosis of acute PE in these patients is critically important, as hemodynamic instability or right heart dysfunction, if due to PE, puts patients in the massive or submassive category and increased mortality risk. More aggressive therapies such as thrombolysis, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation or surgical embolectomy are often entertained. The investigators have previously described a case where endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) was employed in the diagnostic algorithm of suspected acute PE and significantly affected treatment recommendations. The investigators believe that, in these patients, use of EBUS to assess for thrombotic occlusion of the central pulmonary vasculature can fill a critical gap in the decision tree for management of these patients. EBUS has become part of the diagnostic approach in a number of clinical situations, including the workup and staging of suspected malignancy, unexplained lymphadenopathy, and diagnosis of mediastinal and parabronchial masses. There is strong evidence that EBUS is equivalent to mediastinoscopy in the mediastinal staging of lung cancer. The number of physicians skilled and experienced in performance of EBUS has increased dramatically, and training in the procedure is frequently obtained in a pulmonary fellowship. To our knowledge, there have been no prospective studies that investigate the use of EBUS as a tool for the diagnosis of acute central pulmonary embolism in critically ill patients where obtaining diagnostic confirmation of this diagnosis with a contrast-enhanced computed tomography of the chest is not safe or feasible.
Validation of SEARCH, a Novel Hierarchical Algorithm to Define Long-term Outcomes After Pulmonary Embolism
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Potential outcomes after PE occur on a spectrum: complete recovery, exercise intolerance from deconditioning/anxiety, dyspnea from concomitant cardiopulmonary conditions, dyspnea from residual pulmonary vascular occlusion, chronic thromboembolic disease and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension. Although a battery of advanced diagnostic tests could distinguish each of those conditions, the yield of individual tests among all post- PE patients is low enough that routine testing of all PE patients is not typically performed. Although the various possible post-PE outcomes have enormous implications for patient care, they are rarely distinguished clinically. Perhaps for this reason, chronic conditions after PE are rarely (if ever) used as endpoints in randomized clinical trials of acute PE treatment. The proposed project will validate a clinical decision tree to distinguish among the various discrete outcomes cost-effectively through a hierarchical series of tests with the acronym SEARCH (for symptom screen, exercise function, arterial perfusion, resting heart function, confirmatory imaging and hemodynamics). Each step of the algorithm sorts a subset of patients into a diagnostic category unequivocally in a cost-effective manner. The categories are mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive, so that each case falls into one, and only one, category. Each individual test used in the algorithm has been clinically validated in pulmonary embolism patients, including the cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET) technique that the investigators developed and validated. However, the decision tree approach to deploying the tests has not yet been validated. Aim 1 will determine whether the SEARCH algorithm will yield concordant post-PE diagnoses when multiple reviewers independently evaluate multiple cases (reliability). Aim 2 will determine whether the post-PE diagnoses are stable, according to the SEARCH algorithm, between the first evaluation and the subsequent one six months later (validity).
at UC Davis UC Irvine UCLA UCSD UCSF
Our lead scientists for Pulmonary Embolism research studies include John Moriarty Richard N Channick, M.D. Timothy A Morris, MD Colleen L Channick, M.D..
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