Systemic Light Chain Disease clinical trials at University of California Health
1 research study open to eligible people
Venetoclax, Daratumumab, and Dexamethasone for Systemic Light-Chain Amyloidosis With Translocation (11;14) (ALTITUDE)
open to eligible people ages 18 years and up
This phase I/II trial tests the safety, side effects, and best dose of venetoclax, daratumumab, and dexamethasone for the treatment of systemic light-chain amyloidosis in patients with a deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) abnormality called a translocation involving chromosomes 11 and 14, or "t(11;14)". Venetoclax works by attaching to a protein called Bcl-2, in order to kill cancer cells. Daratumumab works by binding to a target on the surface of cancer cells called Cluster of differentiation 38 (CD38). When daratumumab binds to CD38, it enables the immune system to find the cancer cell and kill it. Dexamethasone is a type of drug called a corticosteroid. A corticosteroid is a drug made of artificial steroid hormones, that are used to treat symptoms such as inflammation (swelling and irritation to a part of the body). The combination of these medications may more effectively treat patients with systemic light-chain amyloidosis and t(11;14).
Our lead scientists for Systemic Light Chain Disease research studies include Alfred Chung.
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