The focus of this proposal is on expanding access to voluntary smoke-free homes to formerly homeless residents residing in permanent supportive housing, and examining the impact of this intervention on reducing tobacco-caused disparities. In this study, the principal investigator will conduct a multi-site, community-based cluster-randomized wait-list controlled trial of the multi-faceted smoke-free home intervention among 400 permanent supportive housing residents residing in 20 permanent supportive housing sites across the San Francisco Bay Area with the goal of increasing voluntary adoption of smoke-free homes.
A Community-based Trial of a Voluntary Smoke-free Home Intervention in Permanent Supportive Housing for Formerly Homeless Adults
PSH resident participants (200 each in the intervention and wait-list control arms) and within each site, all resident participants will be informed about the study and invited to participate. Participants will be recruited within blocks of four housing sites per month, with each block containing two intervention and two wait-list control sites, and anticipating roll-out of one such block per month. Anticipated completion of recruitment and enrollment of all participants should occur within 6 months, allowing for a one-to-two-month extension to complete these activities. The intervention will be offered to the wait-list control participants once all participants in the intervention sites from the same block have completed their 6-month follow-up.
400 resident participants will be recruited, with 200 participants each in the intervention and wait-list control arms (~20 participants per site). Within each site, study staff will advertise the study to residents the week prior to enrollment by placing flyers at the study site and making announcements at community meetings. After the informational meeting, study staff will be present at the recruitment sites during designated times to screen interested participants for eligibility and enroll those eligible into the study. These study procedures were successfully employed the pilot study. Participants in the study may be invited to a one-time, voluntary, community advisory board (CAB) meeting.
Specific Objectives:
Aim 1: Conduct a cluster randomized trial to estimate the effect of the smoke-free home intervention on residents' voluntary adoption of smoke-free homes.
Aim 2: Evaluate the cost-effectiveness of the smoke-free home intervention.
Aim 3: Determine characteristics of high and low adopters at the individual level, and social and environmental barriers and enablers of adoption, scalability and sustainability of the intervention.
It will take 6 months for the intervention group participants to complete the study, and 1 year for the wait-list control participants to complete the study.