Oligoprogressive clinical trials at University of California Health
4 research studies open to eligible people
Locally ablatIVe thErapy for oLigo-progressive gastrOintestiNal maliGnancies (LIVELONG)
open to eligible people ages 18 years and up
This is a phase 2 pragmatic study that evaluates the clinical benefit of continuing systemic therapy with the addition of locally ablative therapies for oligo-progressive solid tumors as the primary objective. The primary outcome measure is the time to treatment failure (defined as time to change in systemic failure or permanent discontinuation of therapy) following locally ablative therapy.
at UC Davis
LOcally ABLatIve ThErapy for OligopRogressive Lung And Thoracic MalignanciEs (OBLITERATE)
open to eligible people ages 18 years and up
This is a phase 2 pragmatic study that evaluates the clinical benefit of continuing systemic therapy with the addition of locally ablative therapies for oligo-progressive solid tumors as the primary objective. The primary outcome measure is the time to treatment failure (defined as time to change in systemic failure or permanent discontinuation of therapy) following locally ablative therapy.
at UC Davis
Locally Ablative TherapY in Oligo-ProgressiVe GEnitourinary TumoRs (LAYOVER)
open to eligible people ages 18 years and up
This is a phase 2 pragmatic study that evaluates the clinical benefit of continuing systemic therapy with the addition of locally ablative therapies for oligo-progressive solid tumors as the primary objective. The primary outcome measure is the time to treatment failure (defined as time to change in systemic failure or permanent discontinuation of therapy) following locally ablative therapy.
at UC Davis
Locally AblatiVe TherApy in OLigO-pRogressive SOlid TUmorS (VALOROUS)
open to eligible people ages 18 years and up
This is a phase 2 pragmatic study that evaluates the clinical benefit of continuing systemic therapy with the addition of locally ablative therapies for oligo-progressive solid tumors as the primary objective. The primary outcome measure is the time to treatment failure (defined as time to change in systemic failure or permanent discontinuation of therapy) following locally ablative therapy.
at UC Davis
Our lead scientists for Oligoprogressive research studies include Edward Kim, MD, PhD Mamta Parikh, MD, MS Megan Daly, MD Xiao Zhao, MD.
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