Cardiac Arrhythmia clinical trials at University of California Health
9 in progress, 3 open to eligible people
MARY-JANE Cannabis and Heart Rhythm Trial
open to eligible people ages 21 years and up
Despite recreational cannabis now being legal in 23 states, where more than 100 million Americans reside, studies on the actual health effects are limited. This study is a randomized trial, where each participant will be instructed to consume or avoid cannabis on randomly assigned days during a 14-day monitoring period. The goal of this study is to answer the question: "Does cannabis use increase the frequency of 'early' and abnormal heart beats?" During the 14-day period, participants will wear an external heart monitor, a glucose monitor, and a fitness tracker to track heart rhythm, glucose levels, step counts, and sleep health. Participants will use a mobile app or a text messaging service for daily instructions/reminders on cannabis use, and short surveys. The investigators ask that participants smoke or vape cannabis at least once on days they are instructed to consume cannabis. Compelling evidence of heart and other health effects would be important to the clinical care of our patients.
Human/Machine Interface: What the HeartMate 3 ® Device Tells Us About the Future
open to eligible people ages 18-100
Durable left ventricular assist devices (dLVAD) have been increasingly utilized since the mid to late 1990s, with an uptick of utility starting in 2010 following expanded indications for therapy to not only include a bridge to transplantation strategy, but also for those individuals who suffer from advanced heart failure (HF) and do not qualify for cardiac transplantation. Despite the decreasing size of the newest generation devices leading to a lessened occurrence of adverse events, bleeding and infection still remain a concern for clinicians, as well as a general lack of predictability towards adverse events in individuals with a dLVAD in place. There is a lack of description in the literature currently, regarding the interface between what the pump data provides and what is seen in clinical practice. There also is little known about the effects of what is provided in the pump data, in correlation to quality-of-life following dLVAD implantation. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to prospectively analyze normal and abnormal pump data through pump operations such as suction events, low flow alarms as well as other adventitious alarms, PI events and power cable disconnects greater than 20 seconds, from the HeartMate 3 ® dLVAD in order to clinically correlate this data to quality of life, frailty and other various medical conditions and adverse events as defined by the Interagency Registry for Mechanically Assisted Circulatory Support (Intermacs). This will be achieved through two aims: 1) Evaluate the effectiveness of dLVAD pump operations data on clinical practice application (quality of life, frailty and various medical conditions, and adverse events such as GIB, RHF, infection, hypertension, arrhythmias and stroke); and 2) Evaluate correlations and relationships of longitudinal normal and abnormal dLVAD pump operations data, to demographic and clinical variables. This study is the first study to evaluate HeartMate 3 ® dLVAD pump operations data over time for effectiveness in the clinical practice.
Observational Cohort Study of Fetal Atrial Flutter & Supraventricular Tachycardia
open to eligible females ages 16-50
The FAST Trial Registry is a prospective observational cohort study of fetuses with a new diagnosis of atrial flutter (AF) or supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) that is severe enough to consider prenatal treatment (see eligibility criteria below). Aims of the Registry include to establish a large clinical database to determine and compare the efficacy and safety of different prenatal treatment strategies including observation without immediate treatment, transplacental antiarrhythmic fetal treatment and direct fetal treatment from the time of tachycardia diagnosis to death, neonatal hospital discharge or to a maximum of 30 days after birth.
Aveir DR i2i Study
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Prospective, non-randomized, multi-center, international study designed to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the Aveir™ Dual-Chamber (DR) Leadless Pacemaker system.
Assert-IQ Implantable Cardiac Monitor (ICM) Post Market Study
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This is a prospective, non-randomized, multi-center, real-world post-market study to collect and evaluate data regarding the performance of the enhanced atrial fibrillation detection algorithm of the Assert-IQTM Implantable Cardiac Monitor (ICM) device.
ATrial Tachycardia PAcing Therapy in Congenital Heart
Sorry, not currently recruiting here
Congenital heart disease (CHD) affects approximately 1% of newborns in the US, with 25% of those affected having critical conditions requiring open heart surgery within one year of birth. Surgical and medical advances have allowed many patients to live beyond their fourth and fifth decades of life. Unfortunately, cardiac arrhythmias are a relatively common sequela due to cardiac anomalies and surgical scars in addition to residual volume and pressure load on the heart. Atrial arrhythmias, including sinus node dysfunction and intra-atrial re-entrant tachycardia (IART) are among the more common abnormalities found in adults with repaired CHD. The presence of IART significantly increases morbidity and mortality, and anti-arrhythmic medications have been shown to be a sub-optimal treatment strategy with the majority of patients requiring multi-drug therapy. Catheter ablation procedures remain a treatment option, but are less successful for some patient demographics. In the mid-1990's, pacemakers with atrial anti-tachycardia pacing (ATP) capabilities were developed, primarily for the management of atrial flutter and fibrillation in adults with structurally normal hearts. Given the need for pacemakers in the CHD population to manage sinus node dysfunction and atrioventricular node conduction block, the adoption of atrial anti-tachycardia pacemakers began to gain favor. However, there is limited data available comparing the safety and effectiveness of ATP therapy between various demographics of CHD patients. In the current study, the investigators aim to determine if ATP is an effective treatment strategy for IART, specifically within particular sub-populations of CHD patients. Additionally, investigators hope to delineate any significant differences in efficacy of ATP treatment between adult and pediatric congenital heart patients. The research team will accomplish our goals with a retrospective, multi-center study in which data is collected from existing electronic medical records and pacemaker interrogations. Following data collection, the investigators will employ statistical analyses to determine if certain CHD demographics are statistically significant predictors of ATP therapy outcomes. The purpose of this prospective/retrospective study is to determine how effective atrial anti-tachycardia therapies are with the congenital heart patients who are known to have atrial arrhythmias. As this population ages, we know that arrhythmic burden increases and medications are increased or changed for symptomatic improvement. Patients will be enrolled at the time of anti tachycardia device (ATD) placement or when device therapies are turned on. Patients will need a minimum of 5 years of clinical history prior to implantation and after implantation (unless patient is very young). Data will be collected both retrospectively and prospectively. The research team will consent patients at the time of clinical evaluations and scheduled follow-ups (usually 3 - 6 months). If therapy is effective, investigators will determine the specific programming which was successful. If therapy was ineffective, investigators will also determine if a change in programing was made and if this improved ATP efficacy. Investigators will also determine the arrhythmia burden. Cardioversion and medications before and after ATD implantation will be the key determinants of arrhythmia burden in this study.
Enlighten Study: the EV-ICD Post Approval Registry
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Medtronic is sponsoring Enlighten: The EV-ICD Post Approval Registry, to further confirm safety and effectiveness of EV-ICD in routine clinical practice, following commercial release of EV-ICD devices.
IVTCC 2.0: a Prospective Multicenter Ventricular Tachycardia Catheter Ablation Registry
Sorry, accepting new patients by invitation only
This is a prospective multi-center international registry. The objective of this registry is to collect prospective data on patients undergoing catheter ablation for Ventricular Tachycardia (VT) and Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVC). The registry will be used for clinical monitoring, research, and quality improvement purposes.
ViewFlex X ICE First-in-Human Study
Sorry, not currently recruiting here
This prospective, acute, first-in-human, non-significant risk study is intended to evaluate a modified version of the ViewFlex X ICE Catheter, Sensor Enabled (ViewFlex X SE) and ViewMate Multi Ultrasound Console (VMM) ICE data integration with the EnSite X EP System (hereafter referred to as the ViewFlex X ICE System).
Our lead scientists for Cardiac Arrhythmia research studies include Kalyanam Shivkumar, MD, PhD Jason Bradfield, MD Gregory Marcus.
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