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Surgery--Complications clinical trials at University of California Health

2 research studies open to eligible people

Showing trials for
  • Trajectories of Recovery After Intravenous Propofol Versus Inhaled VolatilE Anesthesia Trial

    open to eligible people ages 18 years and up

    The investigators will conduct a 12,500-patient randomized multi-center trial to determine (i) which general anesthesia technique yields superior patient recovery experiences in any of three surgical categories ((a) major inpatient surgery, (b) minor inpatient surgery, (c) outpatient surgery) and (ii) whether TIVA confers no more than a small (0.2 %) increased risk of intraoperative awareness than INVA in patients undergoing both outpatient and inpatient surgeries

    at UCSF

  • Tumescence in HNC Skin Graft Reconstruction

    open to eligible people ages 18 years and up

    Our primary objective is to determine if the use of tumescence has a meaningful effect on STSG uptake at the recipient site. This is an important outcome because poor graft uptake results in the need for prolonged local wound care, additional clinic visits for patients and increased risk of infection. A prospective, randomized comparison of the tumescence to our current standard of care will allow us to definitively evaluate any benefits to this technique. Tumescence is commonly used in the treatment of burn patients to minimize blood loss during both tangential excision of eschar and during harvest of split-thickness grafts for reconstruction. This is considered the standard of care in burn surgery as using tumescence has been clearly demonstrated to reduce intraoperative blood loss during harvest of large skin grafts and excision of large burns when compared with the application of topical epinephrine as was the historic standard practice.4-6 Tumescence also creates a firm and uniform surface from which to harvest the skin graft, which the investigators believe may improve the quality of harvest and rate of skin graft take.

    at UC Davis

Our lead scientists for Surgery--Complications research studies include .

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