
for people ages 18 years and up (full criteria)
at UC Irvine
study started
Principal Investigator
by Nadine Abi-Jaoudeh, MD (uci)



The purpose of this protocol is to provide TheraSphere treatment for patients with liver cancer who cannot be treated by surgery. The effect on the tumor and any side effects of TheraSphere treatment will be examined. This study will provide supervised and limited access to TheraSphere treatment at University California Irvine Medical Center.

TheraSphere is a medical device containing yttrium-90 (Y-90), a radioactive material that has been used previously in the treatment of liver tumors. When Y-90 is incorporated into very tiny glass beads (TheraSphere), it can be injected to the liver through blood vessels supplying the liver. This allows a large dose of radiation to be delivered to the tumor with less risk of toxic effects from radiation to other parts of the body or to healthy liver tissue. The radiation from TheraSphere is contained within the body and becomes minimally active within 7 days after treatment due to physical decay. The glass beads remain in the body, but do not cause any health problems. TheraSphere has been approved for use in the treatment of liver cancer in the United States by the Food and Drug Administration on a limited basis.

Official Title

A Humanitarian Device Exemption Treatment Protocol of TheraSphere® For Treatment of Unresectable Hepatocellular Carcinoma


This protocol provides TheraSphere treatment for patients with liver cancer who cannot be treated by surgery. Patients with hepatocellular carcinoma will be evaluated for eligibility for this treatment with the following: physical examination, medical history, blood tests requiring approximately 2 tablespoons of blood, EKG, CT or MR of chest to examine lungs, CT or magnetic resonance (MR) of abdomen to evaluate liver, stomach and intestines, and bone scan to rule out spread of disease to bones. If eligible on initial screening, patients will proceed to a second stage of screening, including an hepatic angiogram to confirm treatment can be provided safely and to highlight the blood vessels supplying the liver, and a nuclear medicine study (Tc-99m MAA scan) to display the blood flow to the lungs, stomach and intestines.

When it is determined treatment can be delivered safely, patients will receive TheraSphere via the hepatic artery through blood vessels supplying the liver on an outpatient basis.


Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Liver Cancer, Liver Neoplasm, Primary Liver Cancer, Unresectable liver cancer, Unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma, TheraSphere, Carcinoma, Liver Neoplasms



  • Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center
    Orange California 92868 United States

Lead Scientist at University of California Health

  • Nadine Abi-Jaoudeh, MD (uci)
    Clinical Professor, Radiological Sciences, School of Medicine. Authored (or co-authored) 73 research publications


not accepting new patients
Start Date
University of California, Irvine
More information on TheraSphere
Study Type
Expanded Access
Last Updated