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Menopause clinical trials at University of California Health

5 research studies open to eligible people

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  • Chronobiological Basis of Menopausal Depression: Correcting Misaligned Circadian Rhythms with Sleep and Light Interventions

    open to eligible females ages 18 years and up

    The goal of this clinical trial is to learn more about mood, sleep, and activity during menopause. The main question it aims to answer is: can mood and sleep dysfunction in menopause be improved by resetting misaligned circadian rhythm through one night of strategic sleep timing adjustment and two weeks of exposure to bright light at a certain time of day? Researchers will compare sleep timing (earlier vs. later) and bright white light exposure (morning or evening) to investigate the effect of melatonin levels on mood, sleep, and activity. Participants will 1) submit urine samples to measure melatonin levels, 2) be assigned to advance or delay their sleep for one night, 3) sit in front of a light box for 30 minutes per day (morning or evening) for 14 days, 4) complete questionnaires about their mood and sleep, and 5) wear a device that will measure their activity.

    at UCSD

  • Continuous Monitoring and Management of Vaginal Health Via Multifunctional OCT/OCTA/OCE Endoscopy

    open to eligible females ages 18 years and up

    We have recently developed and optimized a vaginal Optical Coherence tomography/angiography endoscopy imaging system. This technology is able to obtain a comprehensive image of the vaginal epithelium, blood vessels, and lamina propria. The primary focus of this study is establishing the Optical Coherence Tomography system's capability of capturing vaginal changes that occur before and after menopause, as well as before and after treatment with fractional-CO2 laser therapy. There are two aims of this study. Aim 1: 1. To determine the feasibility and sensitivity of the integrated optical coherence endoscope to assess vaginal tissue integrity in pre, peri and postmenopausal women. Aim 2: To optically visualize the effects of fractional-CO2 laser treatment on vaginal tissue over the course of C02 vaginal laser therapy.

    at UC Irvine

  • Bazedoxifene Plus Conjugated Estrogens

    open to eligible females ages 45-64

    Women at risk for development of breast cancer and experiencing vasomotor menopausal symptoms (hot flashes) will be randomized to bazedoxifene (BZA) plus conjugated estrogens (CE) for 6 months versus a wait list control. Two risk factors for development of breast cancer will be studied pre-study and after 6 months: fibroglandular volume (FGV) on mammogram as assessed by Volpara software and proliferation by Ki-67 immunocytochemistry in benign breast tissue acquired by random periareolar fine needle aspiration (RPFNA). Change in biomarkers will be compared between groups.

    at UCSF

  • Vaginal Changes After CO2 Laser

    open to eligible females ages 18 years and up

    Genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM) occurs due to a decline in estrogen levels as a woman approaches menopause. The syndrome negatively impacts women's quality of life and is characterized by vaginal dryness, burning, diminished lubrication, painful intercourse and urinary symptoms such as frequency and urgency. GSM is diagnosed by symptom assessment and physical exam, with current mainstay of treatment being vaginal estrogen. Women with a history of breast cancer, gynecologic cancer, or venous thromboembolism may not be candidates for hormonal therapy. Thus, there has been a quest for effective non-hormonal forms of treatment for GSM. The use of vaginal CO2 laser treatment for GSM has shown promising results. In this study, we aim to use long-wavelength optical coherence tomography/angiography/elastography (OCT/OCTA/OCE) to document changes that occur in the vaginal epithelium during menopause as well as after treatment for GSM. OCT is a well-studied technology and is widely used in Dermatology and Ophthalmology. In collaboration with the Beckman Laser Institute (BLI), we have developed a non-invasive vaginal probe (HS# 2017-3686). The probe has subsequently been used in previous studies to validate measurements in the vaginal epithelium (HS# 2019-5446). A previous RCT compared clinical response to laser therapy to a control group that received a low level of laser therapy. The study also did not examine histology. This will be a randomized controlled trial in which women will be enrolled into one group receiving laser therapy and compared to a true sham group that will not receive laser therapy at all. Response will be measured primarily by OCT device as well as optional vaginal biopsies. There will also be questionnaires and exam of the vaginal tissue using the VHI.

    at UC Irvine

  • Brain Health in Breast Cancer Survivors

    open to eligible females ages 35-65

    Endocrine therapy (ET) is widely used to treat hormone receptor positive breast cancer and prevent recurrence by downregulating estrogen function. However, ETs readily cross the blood brain barrier and interfere with the action of estrogen in the brain. Estrogen supports cognition and menopausal status is closely linked to cognitive health in women. This has raised concern that anti-estrogen ETs may affect cognition and brain health in breast cancer survivors. However, evidence across existing studies is inconsistent and these effects remain poorly understood. The incomplete understanding of the effects of ET are likely due to limitations of earlier studies - namely, the under-appreciation of the role of menopausal status and insensitivity of standard cognitive measures. This research project will address these earlier limitations by specifically comparing ET effects by menopausal status, and using highly sensitive, task-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) measures to assess the effects of ET on brain function.

    at UCLA

Our lead scientists for Menopause research studies include .

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