
for people ages 18 years and up (full criteria)
Healthy Volunteers
healthy people welcome
study started
completion around
Principal Investigator
by Joshua Khalili, MD (ucla)



The goal of this randomized control trial is to learn if professional coaching can help reduce physician burnout among physicians at UCLA. The main aims of the study are:

  • To reduce burnout among physicians with professional coaching
  • Improve work satisfaction and engagement, sense of self-efficacy and social support with professional coaching
  • Determine the efficacy of one-on-one professional coaching and small group professional coaching combined with behavioral interventions/activities in reducing physician burnout and comparing these groups to one another and to a delayed-entry (control) group

Participants will be randomly assigned into one of three groups:

  • Intervention Group 1: One-on-one coaching (N=30). Six one-on-one coaching sessions via Zoom with one of two private professional coaches every other week for 3-4 months.
  • Intervention Group 2: Coach-facilitated group sessions and coach-guided activities/behavioral interventions (N=30). Six small-group coaching sessions via Zoom with one of two private professional coaches and three physician participants in each group, every other week for 3-4 months.
  • Delayed-Entry Group 3 (N=30): No intervention during duration of study period. Note: once participation in the pilot study has been completed for Groups 1 and 2, physicians participating in Group 3 will be offered to participate in six one-on-one sessions with a private professional coach over a 3-4 month period.

Participants will complete several surveys that assess for burnout, work engagement and satisfaction, sense of social support and isolation, and areas of worklife) before the start, upon completion of the intervention and again at 6 months upon completion of the sessions for the delayed-entry group.

Each group also received coach-guided activities/behavioral interventions during coaching sessions. These activities will be sent by coaches to participates throughout the 3 month period and include, but are not limited to: Wheel of Life, visioning exercise, one page miracle: core values, purpose, and goals, buckets and mental models.


Burnout, Professional, physician burnout, coaching, work engagement, Professional Burnout, Psychological Burnout, One-on-one professional coaching, Small-group professional coaching


You can join if…

Open to people ages 18 years and up

  • Actively practicing UCLA department of medicine physicians who had at least two years of employment at UCLA

You CAN'T join if...

  • Current or anticipated (in the next 6 months) participation in one-on-one or group coaching provided by a professional coach


  • University of California, Los Angeles
    Los Angeles California 90095 United States

Lead Scientist at University of California Health


in progress, not accepting new patients
Start Date
Completion Date
University of California, Los Angeles
Study Type
About 79 people participating
Last Updated