
for people ages 18 years and up (full criteria)
study started
completion around



The purpose of this study is to create a registry to provide insight into treatment selection and treatment outcome of pancreatic IRE in order to develop an evidence base such that physicians can provide the best possible care to patients with pancreatic cancer requiring surgical interventions.

The investigators seek a better understanding of the uses of ablation in the treatment of unresectable soft tissue pancreatic tumors and the limitations, concerns and complications that earlier users have.

Official Title

AHPBA Pancreatic Irreversible Electroporation (IRE) Registry for Pancreatic Cancer



The rationale for creating this multi-center clinical database is to optimally collect clinical and pathological data on patients with neoplasms in order to facilitate future clinical observational and outcomes-based research.

Inclusion Criteria

Patients will be considered eligible for inclusion into the database if they meet the following eligibility criteria:

Evidence/suspicion of Pancreatic neoplasm ≥ 18 years of age

Exclusion Criteria Patients will be considered ineligible for inclusion into the database if they are not able to give consent.

Inclusion of Women, Minorities and Vulnerable Subjects This protocol will include women and minority populations. Vulnerable subjects (prisoners, children, mentally disabled persons) will not be included in the study population.

Primary Study Objective(s):

To provide insight in treatment selection and treatment outcome of Pancreatic IRE in order to develop an evidence base such that physicians can provide the best possible care to patients with Pancreatic cancer requiring surgical intervention.

Secondary Study Objective(s):

To provide data on adverse events and complications related to IRE treatment.

The AHPBA will be responsible for data collection and will periodically audit the data for quality assurance purposes. The AHPBA will review outcomes reported by each participating Research Institution and if outcomes are in the lower percentile, the investigators will be offered support to analyze the reasons for the suboptimal outcomes and may seek support to improve outcomes. The participating Research Institutions will receive a certificate annually that acknowledges their participation in the Research Project.

Goal and Aims of Registry?

The Specific Aims are:

  • Gain a better understanding of the uses of ablation in the treatment of unresectable soft tissue pancreatic tumors
  • Understand the limitations, concerns, and complications that earlier users of ablation in the treatment of unresectable soft tissue pancreatic tumors have

Create a multi-institutional group that will both enroll in this registry study, but more importantly enroll in future, prospective ablation in the treatments of unresectable soft tissue pancreatic tumors studies. Any patient undergoing a soft tissue ablation may be included in this study. To confirm, you will always own your data and the registry will be used as data storage until you release your data for evaluation on a project-by-project basis.

What Patients are Eligible?

• Any patient to which the treating physician believes that ablation of their soft tissue would be feasible in the care of their disease.

Patients who can be followed and can provide outcome data to achieve the Goals and Aims of the Registry.

To participate, the only thing we need to obtain from your site is a regulatory approval letter stating that it is acceptable to collaborate with your patients de-identified data (sample data collection protocol is attached) and that you will be consenting your patients to this data collaboration (The Registry).

Case report forms/ data collection sheets are attached The data entry will be web based. All treatments must be entered-not just the first treatment. All follow up-up to 2 years or until death of patient-must be entered. Common follow up is every 3-4 months for first year and every 6 months for second year. In order to ensure data accuracy we require that, for the first 5 patients entered, the data sheets and their supporting documentation (de-identified labs, treatment dictation, etc.) be sent to us so we can make sure the data entry is correct and complete (e.g., lesion dimensions, measures of response or progression, etc.).


Pancreatic Cancer, Pancreatic Neoplasms


You can join if…

Open to people ages 18 years and up

  • Adult patients (greater than 18 years of age) diagnosed with pancreatic cancer that are eligible for soft tissue ablation per the treating physician.

You CAN'T join if...

  • Have a cardiac pacemaker or ICD implant
  • Non-removable implants with metal parts near target lesion
  • Myocardial infarction within 3 months prior to enrollment
  • Not suitable for general endotracheal anesthesia


  • University of California San Diego accepting new patients
    San Diego California 92093 United States
  • University of Colorado accepting new patients
    Denver Colorado 80309 United States


accepting new patients
Start Date
Completion Date
University of Louisville
Study Type
Observational [Patient Registry]
Expecting 500 study participants
Last Updated