The goal of this study is to understand whether providing information to women with a strong desire to avoid future pregnancy about how tubal sterilization compares to long-acting reversible contraceptives improves perceived access to available contraceptives.
Participants will:
- Complete a baseline survey
- Receive access to web-based educational resources
- Complete a brief follow up survey immediately after exploring these web-based resources
- Complete a follow-up survey 3 months after enrolling
The investigators will compare outcomes among participants provided with access to a new website (intervention) summarizing recent patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR) comparing interval laparoscopic tubal sterilization and long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) to control participants provided with access to the existing Planned Parenthood website on tubal sterilization.
Disseminating PCOR Findings to Reduce Racial Disparities in Surgical Sterilization
This study evaluates the potential benefits of web-based resources to prepare patients considering tubal sterilization to effectively communicate their personal values and priorities to their clinicians, informed by recent patient centered outcomes research (PCOR) comparing interval tubal sterilization to long-acting reversible contraceptives. The investigators hypothesize that patients provided with information on the comparative safety and effectiveness of all available long acting contraceptives will be more likely to obtain contraceptive care that aligns with their personal preferences. The short-term goal of this work is to support patient-centered contraceptive care by increasing knowledge of and perceived access to all available long acting contraceptives among those who wish to avoid future pregnancy. The long-term goal of this work is to increase the proportion of women who are using a method of contraception that aligns with their personal preferences, reduce the proportion of women who regret having undergone a permanent contraceptive procedure, and reduce racial disparities in surgical sterilization.