
for people ages 21 years and up (full criteria)
study started
completion around
Principal Investigator
by Holli DeVon (ucla)



The goal of this clinical trial is to determine if a standardized 12-point acupuncture protocol will reduce pain in participants with stable angina.

This study addresses the critical need to reduce persistent pain for angina. The investigators long-term goal is symptom management for diverse women and men with angina, targeting additional angina burden borne of social disadvantage

Participants will be randomized to a 10-acupuncture session protocol, two treatments per week for five weeks, or an attention control group. Participants will view designated, non-pain related Technology, Entertainment, Design Talks equal to the time spent receiving acupuncture (~7.5-10 hrs.).

The investigators will test the efficacy of acupuncture for stable angina/chest pain syndrome to reduce pain and symptoms, improve health-related quality of life, reduce healthcare utilization and and improve patient related health outcomes.

Official Title

Effects of Acupuncture on Symptoms of Stable Angina: A Randomized Controlled Trial


Enrollment: The research specialist will explain the nature of the study, risks, benefits, voluntary nature of participation, and the right to discontinue participation at any time without consequences. After informed consent is obtained, participants will be randomized to the acupuncture or attention control group via REDCap's randomization module, based on the stratified, permuted block schedule prepared by our biostatistician. All participants will complete the following measures at baseline: pain now, worst pain, least pain, the Acute Coronary Syndrome Symptom Checklist, the Seattle Angina Questionnaire-7, and the PROMISv2 patient-reported outcomes instrument. Members of the treatment and control groups will report pain now, worst pain since last session, and average pain since last session following sessions 2-10 for the acupuncture group and sessions 2-5 for the control group (video sessions). All participants will complete the AHA Angina Log (diary of symptoms) and Froelicher Healthcare Utilization Questionnaire-Revised throughout the study.

Acupuncture Protocol. The acupuncturist will swab each point with alcohol. Needles will be inserted and retained for 30 minutes. Each needle will be rotated 3 times to stimulate the qi in the meridian; 10 minutes after insertion, 20 minutes after insertion, and just prior to removal at 30 minutes. Needles will be inserted using the standards of clean needle technique established by the Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine4. One size acupuncture needle, 0.25 diameter × 40 mm length, will be used. All acupuncture needles are sterile, disposable, and made of surgical stainless steel with stainless steel wound heads. Sessions will be repeated twice weekly (with at least 2 off days in between) for 5 weeks (10 sessions).

Acupuncture Point Prescription for Angina. The standardized point prescription uses acupuncture points on the front of the body to enable participants, many who are acupuncture naïve, to remain supine. This is aimed at reducing anxiety by enabling the participant to anticipate needle insertions.

Attention Control Health Videos Protocol. The attention control group will watch non-pain related Technology, Entertainment, Design Talk videos through an online link. The PIs have selected 23 general interest talks, varying from 6:00-19:08 minutes each. Topics do not contain content that could potentially improve pain. For example, titles include: 4 Questions You Should Always Ask Your Doctor; Why Our Screens Make Us Less Happy; Alzheimer's Is Not Normal Aging-And We Can Cure It; How Healthy Living Nearly Killed Me; What Makes a Good Life?; and Lessons from the Longest Study on Happiness. The videos will be accessed via a tablet, phone, or computer by the participant. Videos will be viewed from weeks 1-5 and will equate to the time the experimental group receives acupuncture (30-45 min. x 10 sessions=~7.5 hrs. total). Research staff will make an appointment. with the participant at their convenience which may increase completion rates. Following the viewing session, participants will complete a 5-item survey on REDCap that will help confirm their understanding of the video. Four items are related to the content and the final question is an acceptability question: Did you enjoy watching this video? The Research Associate will contact the participant every Thursday or Friday via the preferred method (video call or phone call) and read and record applicable survey questions in REDCap. Standardized content of the videos helps assures fidelity to the control protocol and engagement with the RAs will control for expectancy, relationship, and context effects. Those participants who complete the control group protocol will then be offered the acupuncture protocol free of charge.


Angina, Stable, Angina Pectoris, Stable Angina, Acupuncture


You can join if…

Open to people ages 21 years and up

  • Diagnosis of stable angina or chest pain syndrome for at least 1 month (pain, pressure, or discomfort in the chest or other areas of the upper body)
  • Treated with medical therapy for at least 1 month
  • Experiencing symptoms at least once per week
  • Speak and read English
  • 21 years of age minimum

You CAN'T join if...

  • Pregnancy as some acupuncture points included in the protocol are contraindicated in pregnancy
  • Physical or cognitive limitations that will prevent informed consent or completion of study tasks
  • Use of steroid or prescription analgesic medications
  • Concomitant biofeedback, professional massage and acupuncture.


  • UCLA School of Nursing accepting new patients
    Los Angeles California 90095 United States

Lead Scientist at University of California Health


accepting new patients
Start Date
Completion Date
University of California, Los Angeles
DeVon Publications
Study Type
Expecting 112 study participants
Last Updated