The purpose of the study is to determine whether ibrutinib in combination with GA101 - Obinutuzumab might be useful for the treatment of CLL. This study will evaluate if ibrutinib in combination with GA101 - Obinutuzumab can reduce the amount of cancerous cells in body.
A Phase Ib/II Study of Ibrutinib in Combination With GA101 - Obinutuzumab in Previously Untreated Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) Patients Over 65 Years of Age or With Comorbidities That Preclude the Use of Chemotherapy Based Treatment. GA101+Ibrutinib
This is an open label phase IB/II clinical trial designed to determine the safety and clinical activity of Ibrutinib in combination with GA101 - Obinutuzumab. Safety, tolerability and dose-limiting toxicities (DLTs) will be evaluated during the initial cycle of treatment (Cycle 1; Day 1-28) as part of the phase Ib of this study (safety run-in).
In the phase II the response rate will be determined in all subjects that have received treatment. The study will enroll 32 subjects previously untreated who have active disease requiring treatment (as defined by IWCLL 2008 criteria for initiation of therapy). The study will include a Screening Phase, a Treatment Phase, and a Follow-up Phase. The Screening Phase assessments will be performed within 28 days prior to treatment. The Treatment Phase will extend from first dose until completion of all planned cycles of treatment (#6) or study drug discontinuation.
All subjects will receive Ibrutinib 420 mg (3 x 140-mg capsules) orally once daily for up to 6 cycles. The treatment with Ibrutinib will continue after cycle 6 for the following 3 years until disease progression, unacceptable toxicity or other reason for treatment discontinuation.
Subjects will undergo response assessment two months after completion of the study treatment. The initial follow-up evaluations will be made (after the response assessment) every 3 months during 9 months and later every 6 months until initiation of new treatment for CLL, consent withdrawal or death. During the long-term follow-up phase, subjects will be followed for survival (PFS, TFS and OS). The long-term follow-up phase will continue until disease progression, death, loss to follow up, consent withdrawal, or study end, whichever occurs first.
An evaluation of the End of Study will be performed due to initiation of new treatment for CLL or withdrawal of consent.