MYELOMATCH: A Screening Study to Assign People With Myeloid Cancer to a Treatment Study or Standard of Care Treatment Within myeloMATCH (MyeloMATCH Screening Trial)
a study on Acute Myeloid Leukemia Leukemia Myelodysplastic Syndrome
- Eligibility
- for people ages 18 years and up (full criteria)
- Location
- at UC Davis
- Dates
- study startedcompletion around
- Principal Investigator
- by Brian A. Jonas (ucdavis)
This MyeloMATCH Master Screening and Reassessment Protocol (MSRP) evaluates the use of a screening tool and specific laboratory tests to help improve participants' ability to register to clinical trials throughout the course of their myeloid cancer (acute myeloid leukemia or myelodysplastic syndrome) treatment. This study involves testing patients' bone marrow and blood for certain biomarkers. A biomarker (sometimes called a marker) is any molecule in the body that can be measured. Doctors look at markers to learn what is happening in the body. Knowing about certain markers can give doctors more information about what is driving the cancer and how to treat it. Testing patients' bone marrow and blood will show doctors if patients have markers that specific drugs can target. The marker testing in this study will let doctors know if they can match patients with a treatment study (myeloMATCH clinical trial) that tests treatment for the type of cancer they have or continue standard of care treatment with their doctor on the Tier Advancement Pathway (TAP).
Official Title
Master Screening and Reassessment Protocol (MSRP) for the NCI MyeloMATCH Clinical Trials
- Screening and Reassessment (MSRP): To evaluate the feasibility of MATCHBox receiving and organizing all data needed for assignment to a myeloMATCH clinical trial or Tier Advancement Pathway (TAP) within 72 hours of MDNet receipt of all required specimens for initial therapy and within 10 days for subsequent therapy.
II. Tier Advancement Pathway (TAP): To enable participants who are not matched to an investigational myeloMATCH treatment substudy to receive standard of care (SOC) while remaining on the MSRP to maintain access to later tiers of treatment substudies.
- Screening and Reassessment (MSRP):
Ia. To describe the time to generation of all data required for treatment substudy (or TAP) assignment, time to treatment substudy (or TAP) assignment, percent assigned to a myeloMATCH treatment substudy, and the percent of screened participants who register to a myeloMATCH investigational treatment substudy or are assigned to TAP:
Iai. Separately within each tier of myeloMATCH treatment substudy and analogous TAP assignment; Ibi. Separately within each clinical basket of myeloMATCH treatment substudies; Ici. Over time, across and within the categories above.
II. Tier Advancement Pathway (TAP):
IIa. To evaluate participants for assignment to higher tier treatment substudies within myeloMATCH; IIb. To describe, within tier- and basket- levels of TAP, measurable residual disease (MRD) rates and clonal evolution; IIc. To describe, within tier- and basket- levels of TAP, remission status and overall survival of participants who receive standard of care therapy; IId. To obtain MDNet specimens for translational medicine and biobanking.
REGISTRATION: Patients undergo bone marrow aspiration and collection of blood on study. Patients' bone marrow and blood specimens undergo rapid genetic testing. Patients are then assigned to a specific substudy containing a therapy targeted to the patient's mutational profile. If there is no targetable mutation, the patient is placed on a substudy testing novel combinations that do not contain a target-specific drug. Patients who are not eligible for any MYELOMATCH substudy are assigned to TAP.
TAP: Patients continue SOC treatment and undergo continued bone marrow aspiration and blood collection for possible future substudy assignment.
TREATMENT: Patients are assigned to a specific treatment substudy.
MM1YA-CTG01: Younger patients (age 18-59 years) with intermediate risk acute myeloid leukemia (AML) are randomized to 1 of 3 arms.
ARM I: Patients receive daunorubicin intravenously (IV), cytarabine IV, and venetoclax orally (PO) on study and undergo bone marrow aspiration and collection of blood samples on study and as clinically indicated.
ARM II: Patients receive azacitidine IV or subcutaneously (SC) and venetoclax PO on study and undergo bone marrow aspiration and collection of blood samples on study and as clinically indicated.
ARM III: Patients receive daunorubicin IV and cytarabine IV on study and undergo bone marrow aspiration and collection of blood samples on study and as clinically indicated.
MM1YA-S01: Younger patients (age 18-59 years) with high-risk AML are randomized to 1 of 5 arms.
ARM I: Patients receive cytarabine IV continuously on days 1-7 and daunorubicin IV on days 1-3 per standard approach of each cycle. Cycles repeat every 28 days for 1 cycle in the absence of disease progression or unacceptable toxicity. Patients may receive an additional cycle of cytarabine IV continuously on days 1-5 and daunorubicin IV on days 1-2. Patients undergo echocardiography (ECHO) or multigated acquisition (MUGA) scan during screening. Patients also undergo a bone marrow aspiration and collection of blood throughout the trial.
ARM II: Patients receive cytarabine IV continuously on days 2-8 and daunorubicin IV on days 2-4 with venetoclax PO on days 1-11 of each cycle. Cycles repeat every 28 days for 1 cycle in the absence of disease progression or unacceptable toxicity. Patients may receive an additional cycle of cytarabine IV continuously on days 2-6 and daunorubicin IV on days 2-3 with venetoclax PO on days 1-8. Patients undergo ECHO or MUGA scan during screening. Patients also undergo a bone marrow aspiration and collection of blood throughout the trial.
ARM III: Patients receive azacitidine SC or IV on days 1-7 and venetoclax PO on days 1-28 of each cycle. Cycles repeat every 28 days for 2 cycles in the absence of disease progression or unacceptable toxicity. Patients undergo ECHO or MUGA scan during screening. Patients also undergo a bone marrow aspiration and collection of blood throughout the trial.
ARM IV: Patients receive daunorubicin and cytarabine liposome IV over 90 minutes on days 1, 3, and 5 of each cycle. Cycles repeat every 28 days for 1 cycle in the absence of disease progression or unacceptable toxicity. Patients may receive an additional cycle of daunorubicin and cytarabine liposome IV over 90 minutes on days 1 and 3. Patients undergo ECHO or MUGA scan during screening. Patients also undergo a bone marrow aspiration and collection of blood throughout the trial.
MM2YA-EA01: Younger patients (age 18-59 years) with AML or secondary AML who have completed a tier 1 MyeloMATCH treatment study with complete remission (CR) or CR with partial hematologic recovery (CRh) and have detectable minimal residual disease (MRD) (> 0.1%) are randomized to 1 of 4 arms.
ARM A: Patients receive cytarabine IV on study. Patients undergo bone marrow aspiration and biopsy on study. Patients may also undergo ECHO and/or MUGA as clinically indicated.
ARM B: Patients receive cytarabine IV and venetoclax PO on study. Patients undergo bone marrow aspiration and biopsy on study. Patients may also undergo ECHO and/or MUGA as clinically indicated.
ARM C: Patients receive Vyxeos IV and venetoclax PO on study. Patients undergo bone marrow aspiration and biopsy on study. Patients may also undergo ECHO and/or MUGA as clinically indicated.
ARM D: Patients receive azacitidine IV or SC and venetoclax PO on study. Patients undergo bone marrow aspiration and biopsy on study. Patients may also undergo ECHO and/or MUGA as clinically indicated.
MM1OA-EA02: Patients are randomized to 1 of 3 regimens.
INDUCTION: Patients receive azacitidine IV or SC on days 1-7 and venetoclax PO on days 1-28 of each cycle. Treatment repeats every 28 days for up to 2 cycles or until patient achieves remission, whichever comes first, in the absence of disease progression or unacceptable toxicity.
CONSOLIDATION: Patients receive azacitidine IV or SC on days 1-7 and venetoclax PO on days 1-28 of each cycle. Cycles repeat every 28 days for 2 years in the absence of disease progression or unacceptable toxicity.
INDUCTION: Patients receive azacitidine IV or SC on days 1-7 and venetoclax and gilteritinib PO on days 1-28 of each cycle. Treatment repeats every 28 days for up to 2 cycles or until patient achieves remission, whichever comes first, in the absence of disease progression or unacceptable toxicity.
CONSOLIDATION: Patients receive azacitidine IV or SC on days 1-5, venetoclax PO on days 1-7 and gilteritinib PO on days 1-28 of each cycle. Cycles repeat every 28 days for 2 years in the absence of disease progression or unacceptable toxicity.
INDUCTION: Patients receive azacitidine IV or SC on days 1-7 and venetoclax PO on days 1-28, and gilteritinib PO on days 8-21 of each cycle. Treatment repeats every 28 days for up to 2 cycles or until patient achieves remission, whichever comes first, in the absence of disease progression or unacceptable toxicity.
CONSOLIDATION: Patients receive azacitidine IV or SC on days 1-5, venetoclax PO on days 1-14 and gilteritinib PO on days 8-21 of each cycle. Cycles repeat every 28 days for 2 years in the absence of disease progression or unacceptable toxicity.
MM1MDS-A01: Patients are randomized to 1 of 2 arms.
ARM A: Patients receive ASTX727 PO once daily (QD) on days 1-5 of each cycle. Cycles repeat every 28 days in the absence of disease progression or unacceptable toxicity. Patients who do not achieve a CR, CRL, or CRh at the end of cycle 6 may cross-over to Arm B. Patients who experience CR, PR, or stable disease (SD) any time after 4 cycles of treatment may be reassessed in order to go to a higher myeloMATCH tier assignment or to TAP. Patients also undergo bone marrow biopsy and aspiration throughout the study. Patients may also undergo optional buccal swab on study, and/or optional additional bone marrow aspiration and blood sample collection on study and at disease progression.
ARM B: Patients receive ASTX727 PO QD on days 1-5 and enasidenib PO QD on days 1-28 of each cycle. Cycles repeat every 28 days in the absence of disease progression or unacceptable toxicity. Patients who experience CR, PR, or SD any time after 4 cycles of treatment may be reassessed in order to go to a higher myeloMATCH tier assignment or to TAP. Patients also undergo bone marrow biopsy and aspiration throughout the study. Patients may also undergo optional buccal swab on study, and/or optional additional bone marrow aspiration and blood sample collection on study and at disease progression.
MM1OA-S03: Patients are randomized to 1 of 2 arms.
ARM 1: Patients receive ASTX727 PO QD on days 1-5 and venetoclax PO QD on days 1-28 of each cycle. Cycles repeat every 28 days in the absence of disease progression or unacceptable toxicity. Patients also undergo blood sample collection, bone marrow aspiration, and bone marrow biopsy throughout the trial.
ARM 2: Patients receive ASTX727 PO QD on days 1-5, venetoclax PO QD on days 1-28, and enasidenib PO QD on days 1-28 of each cycle. Cycles repeat every 28 days in the absence of disease progression or unacceptable toxicity. Patients also undergo blood sample collection, bone marrow aspiration, and bone marrow biopsy throughout the trial.
All patients undergo bone marrow biopsy and aspiration as well as blood sample collection on the trial.
Acute Myeloid Leukemia, Myelodysplastic Syndrome, Myelodysplastic Syndromes, Cytarabine, Azacitidine, Decitabine, Decitabine and cedazuridine drug combination, Venetoclax, Daunorubicin, Gilteritinib, Best Practice, Biopsy, Biospecimen Collection, Bone Marrow Aspiration, Bone Marrow Biopsy, Daunorubicin Hydrochloride, Decitabine and Cedazuridine, Echocardiography, Enasidenib, Liposome-encapsulated Daunorubicin-Cytarabine, Multigated Acquisition Scan, Mutation Carrier Screening
For people ages 18 years and up
Inclusion Criteria:
- Participants must be suspected to have previously untreated acute myeloid leukemia (AML) or myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). Participants with AML cannot have a history of previously treated myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) or MDS.
- Participants must be >= 18 years of age.
- Participants must not have received prior anti-cancer therapy for AML or MDS.
- Note: Hydroxyurea to control the white blood cell count (WBC) is allowed.
- Note: Prior erythroid stimulating agent (ESA) is not considered prior therapy for the purposes of eligibility. Participants must not be currently receiving any cytarabine-containing therapy other than up to 1 g/m2 of cytarabine, which is allowed for urgent cytoreduction.
- Participants are allowed prior use of hydroxyurea, all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA), BCR-ABL directed tyrosine kinase inhibitor, erythropoiesis-stimulating agent, thrombopoietin receptor agonist and lenalidomide, with a maximum limit of 1 month of exposure.
- Note: Participants receiving hydroxyurea prior to treatment substudy or TAP assignment must agree to discontinue hydroxyurea within 24 hours before beginning substudy or TAP treatment.
- Participants must not have a prior or concurrent malignancy that requires concurrent anti-cancer therapy
- Note: active hormonal therapy is allowed
- Participants must have a Zubrod Performance Status evaluation within 28 days prior to registration.
- Participants must agree to have translational medicine specimens submitted.
- Participants must be offered the opportunity to participate in specimen banking.
- Note: Specimens must be collected and submitted following the initial paper-based process and subsequently via the Precision Medicine Specimen Tracking Forms in Medidata Rave instance for the MyeloMATCH MSRP.
- Participants must be informed of the investigational nature of this study and must sign and give informed consent in accordance with institutional and federal guidelines.
- Note: As a part of the Oncology Patient Enrollment Network (OPEN) registration process the treating institution's identity is provided in order to ensure that the current (within 365 days) date of institutional review board approval for this study has been entered in the system.
- The master screening and reassessment protocol (MSRP) should only be used in sites where the relevant AML treatment substudies are open or if the site is willing to follow the MSRP Tier Advancement Pathway (TAP) for patients in the event that the site does not have the relevant study open and transfer to another site that does have the study open. For example, if a site does not have a myeloMATCH Tier 1 study for older AML open for enrollment, such older AML patients should only be consented for the MSRP if the site is willing to treat the patient with standard of care on TAP or is willing to transfer the patient to a center with a study open that the patient would otherwise match to.
- University of California Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center
accepting new patients
Sacramento California 95817 United States - Cedars Sinai Medical Center
accepting new patients
Los Angeles California 90048 United States - Tibor Rubin VA Medical Center
accepting new patients
Long Beach California 90822 United States
Lead Scientist at University of California Health
- Brian A. Jonas (ucdavis)
Professor, MED: Int Med HMCTBMT, School of Medicine. Authored (or co-authored) 96 research publications
- Status
- accepting new patients
- Start Date
- Completion Date
- (estimated)
- Sponsor
- National Cancer Institute (NCI)
- ID
- NCT05564390
- Phase
- Phase 2 research study
- Study Type
- Interventional
- Participants
- Expecting 2000 study participants
- Last Updated