Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder clinical trials at University of California Health
45 in progress, 24 open to eligible people
Effectiveness Study of PTSD Treatments Among Sexual and Gender Minority Populations
open to eligible people ages 18 years and up
The goal of this clinical trial is see if Cognitive Processing Therapy and STAIR Narrative Therapy work to treat posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, asexual/aromantic, and all other sexual or gender minority (LGBTQIA+) adults. The main questions it aims to answer are: - Do these treatments reduce PTSD symptoms in LGBTQIA+ patients? - Do these treatments help improve quality of life and reduce depression in LGBTQIA+ patients? - Do stress from stigma and discrimination and drug/alcohol use change the impact of the treatment on PTSD symptoms? - Are LGBTQIA+ patients satisfied with these treatments? Do these treatments work differently among different groups within the LGBTQIA+ community? - Do LGBTQIA+ patients complete these treatments? Study participants will receive one of these two PTSD treatments. Participants will complete assessments before and after receiving treatment.
Prolonged Exposure Therapy, Pharmacotherapy, and Their Combination for PTSD
open to eligible people ages 18-75
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) remains a salient and debilitating problem, in the general population and for military veterans in particular. Several psychological and pharmacological treatments for PTSD have evidence to support their efficacy. However, the lack of comparative effectiveness data for PTSD treatments remains a major gap in the literature, which limits conclusions that can be drawn about which of these treatments work best. The current study will compare the effectiveness of PTSD treatments with the strongest evidentiary support - Prolonged Exposure (PE) therapy and pharmacotherapy with paroxetine or venlafaxine - as well as the combination of these two treatments. A randomized trial will be conducted with a large, diverse sample of veterans with PTSD (N = 300) recruited from 6 VA Medical Centers throughout the US. Participants will complete baseline assessments, followed by an active treatment phase (involving up to 14 sessions of PE and/or medication management) with mid (7 week) and posttreatment (14 week) assessments, and follow-up assessments at 27 and 40 weeks. Study outcomes will include PTSD severity, depression, quality of life and functioning, assessed via clinical ratings and self-report measures. Further, a range of demographic and clinically relevant variables (e.g., trauma type/number, resilience) will be collected at baseline and examined as potential predictors or moderators of treatment response, addressing another gap in the PTSD treatment literature. These data will be used to develop algorithms from predicting the optimal treatment for individual patients (i.e., "personalized advantage indices"; PAIs). Effectiveness of the treatments will be compared using multilevel modeling. PAIs will be developed by conducting bootstrapped analyses to select variables that predict or moderate outcomes (clinician rated PTSD severity at Week 14), followed by jacknife analyses to determine the magnitude of the predicted difference (representing an individual's "predicted advantage" of one treatment over the others).
Biomolecular Characteristics of Reminder-Focused Positive-Psychiatry
open to eligible people ages 11-15
Objective: Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a prevalent neuropsychiatric disorder in children and is associated with increased neurovascular inflammation, suicidality, adulthood mental health disorder, and major adverse events. Reminder focused positive psychiatry (RFPP) has been shown as well tolerated feasible trauma focused intervention that is associated with improved core PTSD symptoms, decreased severity of reactivity to PTSD trauma reminders, and increased vascular function. This study evaluates the clinical and biomolecular characteristics of RFPP in adolescents with PTSD. Research Design/Overall Impact: After obtaining parents' informed consent and adolescent's assent, 60 adolescents aged 11-15 years old with PTSD, and free of known medical and other major psychiatric disorders will be recruited from the pool of eligible adolescents at Olive View UCLA Pediatrics Clinics (>3000 adolescents with PTSD). Eligible adolescents will be randomized to 1) RFPP group intervention, or 2) an attentional control condition (group process). Thirty subjects in each group will receive twice weekly telehealth intervention of either RFPP or group process, for 6 weeks, and undergo 4 blinded neuropsychiatric assessments at baseline, 3, 6, and 24 weeks. Parents will receive weekly interventions of either positive psychoeducation or group process, for 6 weeks and undergo baseline, 3, 6- and 24-weeks neuropsychiatric assessment. Vascular function, inflammatory biomarkers including CRP, homocysteine, and stress involved gene expression biomarkers (i.e. changes in gene expression of FKBP5, DDX6, B2M, LAIR1, RTN4, NUB1, and a multi-gene Conserved Transcriptional Response to Adversity score (CTRA) will be measured at baseline and 6-week. The primary and secondary endpoints are a) changes in PTSD core and reactivity to trauma reminder severity score in response to RFPP intervention, b) changes in wellbeing, biopsychosocial trait, vascular function, neuroinflammation and gene expression biomarkers in response to RFPP, and c) changes in parents' wellbeing and biopsychosocial trait as well as child-parent interactions.
BLOOM: Boldly Living outdOOrs for Mental Health
open to eligible people ages 9-12
In 2019, the Office of the California Surgeon General launched the ACEs Aware Initiative in collaboration with the California Department of Health Care Services. This ambitious campaign aims to develop a network of care model of healthcare delivery that explicitly links health resources within communities to clinicians screening patients for ACEs. The ACEs Aware Initiative recognizes nature experiences as one of seven "stress busters." Indeed, California boasts many outdoor resources for clinicians to integrate into the network of care. Through a calming effect on the autonomic nervous system, providing a setting for supportive relationships to develop and physical activity to occur, time in nature may help California prevent, heal and treat ACEs and the clinical sequelae. As one of the most common psychiatric disorders in youth, anxiety remains one of the most important sequelae of ACEs. There is a gap in evidence evaluating nature-based programs for child mental health. This study will evaluate BLOOM [Boldly Living outdOOrs for Mental health], a new intervention which is a modified version of an existing nature-based curriculum called SHINE (Stay Healthy In Nature Everyday) curriculum currently in place at UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital Oakland, which takes youth and their families into nature once a month for stress relief. This new intervention mirrors SHINE except that it will be tailored to children ages 9-12 with a history of ACEs and current anxiety. This study will evaluate the benefits of a group intervention model, an independent nature-outing model, and a comparison to a wait-listed control group. Our goal is to provide a scalable model for low-cost mental health care to the California Department of Health Care Services.
Brief Behavioral Treatment for Insomnia in Veterans With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
open to eligible people ages 18-75
This study will investigate treatments for insomnia in Veterans who have posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The purpose of this study is to compare a brief behavioral treatment for insomnia (BBTI) to a treatment that helps promote relaxation (progressive muscle relaxation training or PMRT). The investigators will examine improvements in psychosocial functioning and insomnia severity. The investigators will also examine whether treatment gains last over time and whether suicidal ideation decreases following insomnia treatment.
Cannabidiol and Prolonged Exposure
open to eligible people ages 18 years and up
The trial will include a randomized control trial to evaluate the efficacy of using Cannabidiol (CBD), a non-intoxicating cannabinoid, as an adjunctive to Prolonged Exposure therapy (PE). The trial will compare PE + CBD to PE + placebo in a sample of 136 military Veterans with PTSD at the VA San Diego Medical Center. The study represents the logical and innovative next step for augmenting existing treatments and developing novel pharmacotherapy for PTSD. Findings from the proposed RCT will inform clinical practice and policy by investigating whether administration of CBD in the context of PE therapy will improve treatment outcomes for military Veterans with PTSD.
Cognitive Control Training for Extinction in PTSD
open to eligible people ages 18-65
The proposed study will test whether a working memory training (WMT) program improves fear extinction learning and its underlying neural circuitry in Veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). WMT is designed to improves the ability to maintain task-relevant information in mind. The project will further validate the relationship between working memory and fear extinction using novel computational and multivariate analyses that link to specific PTSD symptoms. If WMT can enhance fear extinction learning, then WMT may be a powerful adjunctive treatment that can enhance exposure therapy outcomes or be leveraged as a stand-alone treatment. This project supports the Department of Veteran Affairs mission of developing viable targets of treatment for Veterans with PTSD.
Compassion Meditation vs. Health Education for Veterans
open to eligible people ages 18 years and up
Chronic pain (CP) is a major health problem for military Veterans, and CP is often associated with comorbid mental health problems, including posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression. CP with psychological comorbidity is associated with increased healthcare costs, medication use, risk of suicide and rates of disability and reduced quality of life. Current empirically supported treatments do not always lead to substantial improvements (up to 50% of patients drop out or are do not respond to treatment). This project was designed to evaluate the efficacy of a novel intervention for addressing these challenges. Compassion meditation (CM), a meditative practice that focuses on the wish to remove suffering, is a contemplative practice that has promise for the amelioration of physical and mental health problems as well as promoting positive affect and improving quality of life. This study will evaluate the efficacy of Cognitively-Based Compassion Training for Chronic Pain with Psychological Comorbidity (CBCT-CP+) compared to Health Education while Living with Pain (H.E.L.P.) control condition, in a sample of among Veterans with CP conditions and psychological comorbidity.
Deep Brain Stimulation of the Amygdala for Combat Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
open to eligible males ages 25-70
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affects approximately 30 % of American veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. Although the current therapy is effective, a percentage of patients will fail to improve and will develop chronic treatment-resistant PTSD. Patients suffering from PTSD experience intense suffering, lack of productivity and a higher risk of suicide. Unfortunately, combat PTSD has a tendency to be resistant to current treatments. The central goal of this project is to develop a new therapeutic strategy involving the placement of intracranial electrodes to treat the symptoms of PTSD. The project is based on recent evidence showing abnormal activity in a specific brain region of PTSD patients, thought to be responsible for the core symptoms of PTSD.
Enhancing Transdiagnostic Mechanisms of Cognitive Dyscontrol (R33)
open to eligible people ages 21-55
The proposed project aims to test the cognitive and neural effects of a cognitive training in a sample of individuals seeking treatment for anxiety, depression, or traumatic stress symptoms. Participants will be randomly assigned to one of two groups. Group 1 will receive a computer-based program that is designed as a cognitive training intervention and Group 2 will receive a similar computer-based exercise that researchers think will be less effective in training thinking skills (also known as a control or sham condition). Participants will be compared on cognitive performance and brain response during cognitive tasks from baseline to post-treatment.
Intranasal Oxytocin Augmentation of Brief Couples Therapy for Veterans With PTSD
open to eligible people ages 18 years and up
Leveraging veterans' intimate relationships during treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has the potential to concurrently improve PTSD symptoms and relationship quality. Brief Cognitive-Behavioral Conjoint Therapy (bCBCT) is a manualized treatment designed to simultaneously improve PTSD and relationship functioning for couples in which one partner has PTSD. Although efficacious in improving PTSD, the effects of CBCT on relationship satisfaction are small, especially among Veterans. Pharmacological augmentation of bCBCT with intranasal oxytocin, a neurohormone that influences mechanisms of trauma recovery and social behavior, may help improve the efficacy of bCBCT. The purpose of this randomized placebo-controlled trial is to compare the clinical and functional outcomes of bCBCT augmented with intranasal oxytocin (bCBCT + OT) versus bCBCT plus placebo (bCBCT + PL). The investigators will also explore potential mechanisms of action: communication, empathy, and trust.
Insomnia Treatment and Cardiometabolic Health in Older Adults With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
open to eligible people ages 50 years and up
This pilot randomized controlled trial will address a gap in knowledge related to addressing modifiable risk factors for cardiometabolic disease through treating residual insomnia, sleep difficulties that remain after successful treatment of another condition, in the context of PTSD in understudied older adults. This study provides a non-medication treatment for PTSD called Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) followed by one of two non-medication sleep education and treatment programs for sleep problems that remain after completing PTSD treatment in older adults with PTSD. The aims of this project are to evaluate 1) the added benefits of treating residual insomnia on sleep and PTSD symptoms; 2) the added benefits of treating residual insomnia following CPT on cardiometabolic risk biomarkers and quality of life; and 3) the durability of the sleep, PTSD, cardiometabolic and quality of life benefits of treating residual insomnia following CPT at 6-month follow-up in older adults with PTSD.
Intracranial Neurophysiological Signatures of Fear and Anxiety in Humans
open to eligible people ages 18-90
Anxiety disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) affect a large number of individuals with a significant portion of patients failing to improve with current treatments. The purpose of this study is to understand the brain mechanisms that produce fear and anxiety in humans. To accomplish this goal, we will measure the brain activity along with the heart rate and skin perspiration of patients while they are completing tasks on a computer. Some of the tasks will also use a virtual reality headset and transport the patient in a video game-like environment. These tasks will expose the participants to various levels of fear-provoking images.
MDMA-assisted Brief Cognitive Behavioral Conjoint Therapy for PTSD
open to eligible people ages 18 years and up
The goal of this pilot trial is to examine the preliminary effectiveness of MDMA-facilitated bCBCT for improving chronic PTSD and relationship functioning in a sample of veterans and their intimate partners seeking care within the VA San Diego Healthcare System.
MDMA-assisted Massed Prolonged Exposure for PTSD
open to eligible people ages 18-64
The overall objective of this study is to pilot the VASDHS-adapted Emory MDMA-PE Protocol (aE-MDMA-PE) and assess the effect on clinician-rated PTSD symptoms in veterans who receive full-dose MDMA and veterans who receive low-dose MDMA.
Mindful Self-Compassion to Address PTSD and Substance Use in Unhoused Women
open to eligible females ages 18 years and up
Trauma exposure, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and substance use disorder (SUD) present major threats to public health. PTSD and SUD are major correlates of disability, often resulting in severe social and occupational impairment. Comorbidity between PTSD and SUD (PTSD/SUD) is common and frequently co-occurs with other mental health ailments including depression, anxiety, and suicidality. Comorbidity may be amplified in groups vulnerable to high trauma exposure, such as women with low socioeconomic status including women experiencing homelessness (WEH). Moreover, the reciprocal nature of PTSD/SUD (substances are used to cope with PTSD symptoms; substance use can create high-risk situations for new traumas to occur), can create a cycle of trauma and symptomatology leading to a critical health disparity. PTSD/SUD can be costly and difficult to treat, with treatment completion often low and relapse rates often high. Low-cost, complementary interventions, such as self-compassion (SC) interventions, which target key mechanisms that maintain PTSD/SUD, could improve treatment outcomes. SC interventions include practices that build skills to improve emotional responses, cognitive understanding, and mindfulness. Recent research supports the benefit of SC interventions for reducing PTSD, SUD, and related comorbidities, potentially with large effects. However, sample sizes have generally been small and randomized designs infrequently used. Moreover, while SC interventions may act to improve key mechanisms of treatment response and/or symptom maintenance (e.g., emotion regulation/dysregulation, trauma-related guilt, trauma-related shame, moral injury, and craving), such mediating factors have been underexplored. To address these limitations, the present proposal will implement community-based research principles and use a two phase, mixed-method design to adapt and test a widely used SC intervention (Mindful Self Compassion; MSC) for use with a sample of WEH with PTSD/SUD. The project will be conducted in partnership with a state-funded drug treatment facility that serves women and families experiencing high health disparities. Phase I was completed in 2023 and adapted the standard MSC course for use with trauma-exposed WEH with PTSD/SUD using the ADAPT-ITT model, an eight-stage model that engages community partners to increase feasibility and acceptability of interventions for at-risk populations. Phase II will be an open-label cluster randomized clinical trial (N=202) to test the benefit of the adapted MSC at improving primary (PTSD, substance use) and secondary outcomes (depression, anxiety, hopelessness) among a sample of WEH with PTSD/SUD residing in a residential drug treatment site. MSC (n=101) will be compared to Treatment as Usual (TAU; n=101). WEH in the MSC group will complete a 6-week (six sessions plus a half-day retreat) MSC intervention. The TAU group will engage in weekly check-ins with the research team but will not receive an intervention. WEH will be assessed at baseline, immediately post-intervention, and at a 4-month follow-up. One-on-one interviews will be conducted with the MSC group to collect qualitative data on experiences. An exploratory aim will be to elucidate mechanism of treatment-response and maintenance or remission of PTSD symptoms. These potential mechanisms will include SC, emotion regulation/dysregulation, trauma-related guilt, trauma-related shame, moral injury, and craving. Results may inform treatment for PTSD/SUD in WEH and other groups experiencing high health disparities and provide valuable insights into mechanisms underlying PTSD/SUD symptoms over time. Findings are relevant to military populations, which experience high rates of PTSD/SUD, and other populations disproportionately exposed to trauma.
National Adaptive Trial for PTSD Related Insomnia
open to eligible people ages 18-75
Many Veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have trouble sleeping or have frequent nightmares. So far, no medication has been approved for treatment of insomnia in PTSD. The purpose of this research study is to find out if taking medications called trazodone or eszopiclone can help decrease symptoms of insomnia in patients with PTSD. PTSD is a form of intense anxiety which sometimes results from severe trauma. Symptoms may include nightmares, flashbacks, troublesome memories, difficulty sleeping, poor concentration, irritability, anger, and emotional withdrawal. Insomnia is a disorder that can make it hard to fall sleep, stay asleep or cause a person to wake up too early and not be able to fall back to sleep.
Non-Inferiority Trial of TrIGR for PTSD
open to eligible people ages 18 years and up
Trauma-related guilt is common and impairing among trauma survivors, particularly among Veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The investigators' work shows that a brief treatment targeting trauma-related guilt, Trauma Informed Guilt Reduction Therapy (TrIGR), can reduce guilt and PTSD and depression symptoms. Whether TrIGR is no less effective than longer, more resource heavy PTSD treatments disseminated by by VA, like cognitive processing therapy (CPT), is the next critical question that this study will seek to answer. 158 Veterans across two VA sites will be randomized to TrIGR or CPT to evaluate changes in PTSD, depression, guilt and shame symptoms across the two treatments.
OSA PAP Treatment for Veterans With SUD and PTSD on Residential Treatment Unit
open to eligible people ages 18 years and up
Substance use disorder (SUD) and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) frequently co-occur and having both disorders is associated with greater psychological and functional impairment than having either disorder alone. This is especially true in residential settings where both disorders are more severe than outpatient settings. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is highly comorbid with both disorders and untreated OSA is associated with worse functional impairment across multiple domains, worse quality of life, worse PTSD, higher suicidal ideation, and higher substance use and relapse rates. Treating OSA with evidence-based positive airway pressure (PAP) in Veterans with SUD/PTSD on a residential unit is a logical way to maximize treatment adherence and treatment outcomes. This study compares OSA treatment while on a SUD/PTSD residential unit to a waitlist control group. The investigators hypothesize that treating OSA on the residential unit, compared to the waitlist control, will have better functional, SUD, and PTSD outcomes.
Oxytocin to Treat PTSD
open to eligible people ages 18 years and up
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a chronic, debilitating condition that disproportionately affects Veterans. Prolonged Exposure (PE) therapy is a "gold standard" treatment for PTSD. However, approximately one-third of Veterans fail to receive an adequate dose of treatment because they prematurely drop out of PE therapy. There is also room to improve PE treatment outcomes. Consistent with the VA Office of Research and Development initiative to develop effective treatments for PTSD, the proposed randomized clinical trial will examine the ability of oxytocin (as compared with placebo) combined with PE to reduce PTSD symptom severity, improve the rate of PTSD symptom reduction, and to enhance PE treatment retention and adherence. This two-site study will leverage the investments made in the nationwide rollout off PE therapy and has the potential to significantly improve mental health care among Veterans, advance the science in this area, and identify mechanisms underlying positive PTSD treatment response. Participants may choose to complete this research study via home-based telemedicine (HBT) care (i.e. service delivery to patients in their homes using consumer friendly, video-conferencing technology). HBT sessions will be delivered via standard desk, laptop computer, tablet, or smartphone using VA approved applications. All procedures that take place via telemedicine will be performed and completed as though they were in-person/in-office
Selective Glucocorticoid Receptor Antagonist in the Treatment of Veterans With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (Seven Study)
open to eligible people ages 18-69
The purpose of this study is to test the drug CORT108297, which blocks the hormone cortisol, for treatment of PTSD in Veterans, and establish a safety profile that will inform the design of future studies.
Responsive Neurostimulation for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
open to eligible males ages 25-60
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) refractory to treatment is marked by failure of fear extinction and its biological substrate, amygdala reactivity to trauma reminders. Decades of research have clarified the neuronal mechanisms coordinating fear extinction and consolidation. Fear cells and extinction cells in the basolateral amygdala (BLA) alter their firing rate based on the nature of the stimulus and the influence from the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and the ventral hippocampus (vHPC). Together, the BLA, mPFC, and the vHPC form an anxiety-processing network where the BLA links stimulus to emotion, the vHPC provides memory context, and the mPFC coordinates extinction or consolidation. Local field potential (LFP) recordings from the BLA have revealed specific signals that correspond to an enhanced fear state. Previous studies have shown that neuromodulation of the BLA can promote extinction in a rodent model and in a treatment-refractory PTSD patient. This action is likely carried by disrupting fear signals within the BLA; however, continuous neurostimulation may also disrupt normal function of the amygdala. The present application proposes to investigate the use of Responsive Neurostimulation (RNS, Neuropace) in six (6) veterans suffering from severe treatment-resistant PTSD. This dual-activity device will allow us to chronically record LFPs from the BLA under specific conditions such as fear conditioning, exposure to trauma reminders, and emotional memory encoding and retrieval. In addition, the neural activity will be captured during real-life symptoms of flashback and nightmares. These recordings will provide the specific electrophysiological biomarkers of hypervigilance and re-experiencing. The device will then be programmed to detect and treat these biomarkers with a pre-determined electrical pulse. The patients will be followed prospectively using psychological scales but also with functional neuroimaging and electroencephalograms. These modalities will be used to determine the extent of circuit engagement as a result of the therapy. By approaching PTSD from a fear processing mechanism perspective, our project will serve as a proof of concept for other circuit-based therapies in psychiatry. This proposal is a multi-departmental effort involving 11 investigators across 7 departments and requires a close collaboration between clinical and basic scientists. As a result, the findings underlying chronic recordings will bridge the basic science results from fear conditioning research to clinical neural processes in PTSD patients.
Modification of Attention Bias Remotely After Trauma
open to eligible people ages 18-65
The investigators will complete an entirely remote randomized controlled trial (RCT) comparing 14 sessions of attention bias modification (ABM), attention control training (ACT), placebo neutral attention training, and a final control condition with daily questions in 1,897 individuals with clinically significant Post-traumatic Stress Symptoms (PTSS) (defined as PCL-5 score ≥ 33). To assess effects of the training and control conditions, the investigators will administer tests of threat-related attention bias and variability, and self-report assessments of PTSS, depression, anxiety, and perceived stress at baseline, after one and two weeks of training, and at eight-week follow up. The investigators plan to screen and confirm interest from over 3,000 eligible participants over a period of 24 months to enroll and randomize 1,897 participants with the end goal of 1,232 completers (176 per condition).
Suvorexant: A Dual Orexin Receptor Antagonist for Treating Sleep Disturbance in Posttraumatic Stress
open to eligible people ages 18-75
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a common consequence of combat that can result in trauma-related hyperarousal and sleep disturbances. Poor sleep, one of the most common complaints in Veterans with PTSD, can be distressing, impair concentration and memory, and contribute to physical health conditions, such as metabolic syndrome, inflammation, and cardiovascular disease. The orexin neuropeptide system underlies both sleep and stress reactivity. Suvorexant, a drug that reduces orexin, improves sleep in civilians, but has not yet been tested in Veterans with PTSD. This study will test whether suvorexant can improve sleep disturbances and PTSD symptoms in Veterans. Suvorexant may benefit Veterans by improving sleep quickly while also reducing PTSD symptoms over the long term, and with fewer side effects that were common in previous medications used to treat these conditions. Improving Veterans' sleep and PTSD symptoms could lead to better emotional and physical well-being, quality of life, relationships, and functioning.
Doxazosin for Nightmares, Sleep Disturbance, and Non-Nightmare Clinical Symptoms in PTSD
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This randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of doxazosin will assess doxazosin's effectiveness for PTSD nightmares, subjective sleep quality, and non-nightmare PTSD symptoms in adult men and women veterans with full and partial-syndromal PTSD.
Transdiagnostic Sleep Health Intervention for Veterans With PTSD
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Sleep disturbance is a major problem in Veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This study will test a version of a sleep treatment that's been shown to be effective in the general population, with some changes to tailor it to the needs of Veterans with PTSD and sleep disturbance.
Adaptation of the PCIP for Children Aged 6 to 11
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This study will implement a brief Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) intervention for children, the Primary Care Intervention for PTSD (PCIP) delivered through telehealth (computer or smartphone delivery), to 10 youth age 6-11 and their caregivers. Mixed methods (qualitative and quantitative) randomized pilot feasibility trial (n=10 to treatment and 10 to waitlist control) to refine the intervention, study procedures, and explore effectiveness. Following RE-AIM guidelines, the investigators will assess: 1. Reach: patient participation in intervention delivery (out of all those asked to participate) and retention rate (out of all those who consented to participate and completed at least two intervention sessions) 2. Adoption: patients and their parents/guardians will complete screening and intervention satisfaction ratings. To understand patient experiences with the intervention and to identify and explain positive or negative treatment mechanisms or effects, the investigators will conduct post-intervention semi-structured interviews with the participating patients, their parents/guardians, and with providers. This treatment ranges from 1-4 sessions which last 50 minutes per session. The first session will cover psychoeducation about PTSD symptoms in children that can be delivered to the parent or both the parent and child. The first session will also teach the parent and child a breathing technique to combat the physiological impact of PTSD in children. The subsequent sessions will be tailored to meet the needs of the child's most distressing PTSD symptom cluster including hyper arousal, negative changes in cognition and mood, avoidance, re-experiencing. Each session contains coping skills that the parent and child can learn together. There is also material for parents to address behavior problems in youth. This treatment will be delivered via telehealth.
Adaptation of the PCIP for Spanish Speaking Adolescents and Families
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This study will implement a brief Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) intervention for children, the Primary Care Intervention for PTSD (PCIP) delivered through telehealth (computer or smart phone delivery), to 10 Spanish speaking youth and their families. Mixed methods (qualitative and quantitative) randomized pilot feasibility trial (n=10 to treatment and 10 to waitlist control) to refine the intervention, study procedures, and explore effectiveness. Following RE-AIM guidelines, the investigators will assess: Reach: patient participation in intervention delivery (out of all those asked to participate) and retention rate (out of all those who consented to participate and completed at least two intervention sessions) Adoption: patients and their parents/guardians will complete screening and intervention satisfaction ratings. To understand patient experiences with the intervention and to identify and explain positive or negative treatment mechanisms or effects, the investigators will conduct post-intervention semi-structured interviews with the participating patients, their parents/guardians, and with providers. This treatment ranges from 1-3 sessions which last 30-50 minutes per session. The first session will cover psychoeducation about PTSD symptoms in children that can be delivered to the parent or both the parent and child. The first session will also teach the parent and child a breathing technique to combat the physiological impact of PTSD in children. The subsequent sessions will be tailored to meet the needs of the child's most distressing PTSD symptom cluster including hyper arousal, negative changes in cognition and mood, avoidance, re-experiencing. Each session contains coping skills that the parent and child can learn together. There is also material for parents to address behavior problems in youth. This treatment will be delivered via telehealth. All treatment materials have been developed in both Spanish and English.
Adolescent PCIP Randomized Feasibility Trial
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There are three research questions: (1) whether the Primary Care Intervention for PTSD (PCIP) improves health outcomes; (2) whether and how the PCIP can be sustainably delivered via telehealth; and (3) how PCIP compares to treatment as usual (TAU) participants. The mixed methods randomized feasibility trial of the protocol will be measured by the RE-AIM framework (Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation, Maintenance) (n=44 patients and their care givers). We will collect data on patient, caregiver, and clinic staff participation, retention, and satisfaction (Reach and Adoption), change in hypothesized treatment mechanisms and symptoms (Effectiveness), and facilitators and barriers to intervention delivery and fidelity (Implementation). We will, 1. Assess the reach and adoption of the protocol by analyzing quantitative data on patient and clinic staff participation, retention, and satisfaction; 2. Explore the effectiveness of the protocol through medical record review, quantitative assessments at baseline and post-treatment, and semi-structured qualitative interviews at baseline and post-treatment to: 3. Evaluate the implementation of the screening and intervention protocol with post-intervention semi-structured qualitative interviews to assess facilitators and barriers to intervention delivery, quantitative fidelity scales, observation of screening, and review of intervention audio recordings to assess fidelity to the protocol and intervention process.
Apnea and Insomnia Relief Study
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The purpose of this study is to determine whether a behavioral sleep treatment improves functioning and sleep in Veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Effectiveness and Implementation of eScreening in Post 9/11 Transition Programs
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Electronic screening is effective for timely detection of, and intervention for, suicidal ideation and other mental health symptoms. The VA eScreening program is a patient self-report electronic screening system that has shown promise for the efficient and effective collection of mental and physical health information among Veterans. However, additional effectiveness and implementation research is warranted to evaluate the impact of eScreening within VHA. This study will address questions of the impact of eScreening compared to screening as usual, while evaluating a multi-component implementation strategy (MCIS) for optimal enterprise rollout of eScreening in VA Transition Care Management clinics.
Enhancing Rehabilitation for Veterans With Serious Mental Illness
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This study addresses the critical need for innovative therapeutic interventions in Veterans with serious mental illnesses (SMI) receiving care in VA Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Recovery Centers (PRRCs). The vast majority of individuals with SMI suffer from cognitive impairments, leading to chronic functional disability, and impaired outcomes, causing a significant strain on support networks and the VA healthcare system. This study aims to introduce an innovative mental health therapy, Targeted Cognitive Training (TCT), to Veterans struggling with serious mental illnesses (SMI). TCT works to improve basic sensory information processing and, ultimately, clinical, cognitive, and psychosocial functioning. By using EEG biomarkers to identify Veterans with SMI receiving care within VA Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Recovery Centers who are most likely to benefit from this treatment, and by understanding how best to implement this therapy, the investigators hope to enhance care and improve life quality for Veterans with SMI.
Facilitating Transition to Recommended PTSD Treatment
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Cognitive processing therapy (CPT) and prolonged exposure therapy (PE) were widely disseminated as recommended posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) treatments. However, post-9/11 Veterans with PTSD rarely initiate CPT or PE, especially as an initial treatment. Little research has explored the combinations and sequences of psychosocial and medication treatments that Veterans receive ("treatment sequences"). One common and understudied treatment sequence begins with stabilization treatment, which is designed to prepare Veterans for CPT or PE. There is a significant research gap in understanding how treatment sequence affects initiation of CPT or PE. The proposed research is an innovative, mixed-methods approach to assessing the impact of variability in treatment sequence, including stabilization treatment, on initiation of CPT or PE and applying this knowledge by developing a health services intervention that facilitates timely transition to CPT or PE. Research aims can improve PTSD treatment by increasing initiation of and reducing disparities in CPT/PE.
Inflammatory Challenge and Fear
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The goal of this study is to learn if short-term changes in the immune system alter how we process information and experience fear. The main questions it aims to answer are: Do people who receive typhoid vaccine respond differently than those who receive a placebo saline vaccine? Do people who receive typhoid vaccine experience changes in how they think and feel? Participants will: Attend four appointments at the San Francisco VA Health Care System; Receive typhoid vaccine or placebo at one of the visits; Have their physiological responding measured while listening to sounds; Complete questionnaires and psychological tests.
Massed Prolonged Exposure for PTSD in Substance Use Treatment
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The goal of this clinical trial is to learn if receiving Prolonged Exposure Therapy for PTSD in massed format (multiple sessions weekly) is as effective as receiving it with sessions once per week among veterans with PTSD and substance use disorder in intensive outpatient substance use treatment. The main questions it aims to answer are: - Will the massed format help participants complete and benefit from Prolonged Exposure in terms of PTSD symptoms? - Will it help participants reduce substance use? Participants who are in intensive substance use treatment will be asked to complete Prolonged Exposure with either weekly sessions or multiple sessions per week.
MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapy for Treatment Resistant PTSD in Adolescents
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The primary objective of this study is to determine the safety and feasibility of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) -assisted psychotherapy to treat resistant post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The secondary objectives are the exploration of effectiveness for treatment-resistant PTSD, symptoms of depression, and anxiety symptoms.
Parenting STAIR: Adapting a Trauma-Focused Parenting Intervention for Military-Connected Mothers and Their Children
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The purpose of this study, which includes a clinical trial, is to adapt and assess the efficacy of Parenting-STAIR (PSTAIR), an intervention which combines existing evidence-based treatments Skills Training in Affective and Interpersonal Regulation (STAIR) and Parent-Child Care (PC-Care) to reduce symptoms of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and improve parenting among military-connected mothers. Participants in the clinical trial will receive PSTAIR or trauma-focused treatment as usual (either prolonged exposure or cognitive processing therapy).
at UC Davis
Personalized Brain Stimulation to Treat Chronic Concussive Symptoms
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The goal of this study is to investigate a new treatment for chronic symptoms after concussion or mild traumatic brain injury in people aged 18-65 years old. Chronic symptoms could include dizziness, headache, fatigue, brain fog, memory difficulty, sleep disruption, irritability, or anxiety that occurred or worsened after the injury. These symptoms can interfere with daily functioning, causing difficulty returning to physical activity, work, or school. Previous concussion therapies have not been personalized nor involved direct treatments to the brain itself. The treatment being tested in the present study is a noninvasive, personalized form of brain stimulation, called transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). The investigators intend to answer the questions: 1. Does personalized TMS improve brain connectivity after concussion? 2. Does personalized TMS improve avoidance behaviors and chronic concussive symptoms? 3. Do the improvements last up to 2 months post-treatment? 4. Are there predictors of treatment response, or who might respond the best? Participants will undergo 14 total visits to University of California Los Angeles (UCLA): 1. One for the baseline symptom assessments and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 2. Ten for TMS administration 3. Three for post-treatment symptom assessments and MRIs Participants will have a 66% chance of being assigned to an active TMS group and 33% chance of being assigned to a sham, or inactive, TMS group. The difference is that the active TMS is more likely to cause functional changes in the brain than the inactive TMS.
Sequenced Treatment Effectiveness for Posttraumatic Stress
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Individuals with PTSD are more likely to engage in unhealthy behaviors such as tobacco use, drug use, alcohol misuse, and have high rates of morbidity/mortality. PTSD negatively impacts marriages, educational attainment, and occupational functioning. Some patients with PTSD can be successfully referred to specialty mental health clinics, but most patients with PTSD cannot engage in specialty care because of geographical, financial and cultural barriers and must be treated in primary care. However, policy makers do not know the best way to treat PTSD in primary care clinics, especially for patients who do not respond to the initial treatment choice. There are effective treatments for PTSD that are feasible to deliver in primary care. These treatments include commonly prescribed antidepressants and brief exposure-based therapies. However, because there are no head-to-head comparisons between pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy in primary care settings, primary care providers do not know which treatments to recommend to their patients. In addition, despite high treatment non-response rates, very few studies have examined which treatment should be recommend next when patients do not respond well to the first, and no such studies have been conducted in primary care settings. This trial will be conducted in Federally Qualified Health Centers and VA Medical Centers, where the prevalence of both past trauma exposure and PTSD are particularly high. The investigators will enroll 700 primary care patients. The investigators propose to 1) compare outcomes among patients randomized to initially receive pharmacotherapy or brief psychotherapy, 2) compare outcomes among patients randomized to treatment sequences (i.e., switching and augmenting) for patients not responding to the initial treatment and 3) examine variation in treatment outcomes among different subgroups of patients. Telephone and web surveys will be used to assessed outcomes important to patients, like self-reported symptom burden, side-effects, health related quality of life, and recovery outcomes, at baseline, 4 and 8 months. Results will help patients and primary care providers choose which treatment to try first and which treatment to try second if the first is not effective.
Suvorexant for Treatment of AUD and PTSD
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This study is to determine if suvorexant (SUV) will reduce insomnia in 76 men and women veteran and non-veterans between the ages 21-65 with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms and alcohol use disorder (AUD). All participants will have a 7-day placebo run-in period, followed by a random assignment to receive placebo or suvorexant for an additonal 14 days. Post-randomization, participants will attempt to stop drinking for two weeks and will complete daily virtual diaries and study outcome assessments via in-person clinic visits on days 7 and 14.
Orexin Antagonism on Fear Extinction in PTSD
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PTSD affects approximately 22% of Veterans who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Symptoms of PTSD may include re-experiencing, avoidance of trauma reminders, negative thoughts or feelings, and hyperarousal, such as increased startle reactivity and disturbed sleep. Treatments for PTSD are based on fear extinction principles in which individuals are repeatedly exposed a feared cue in the absence of danger, resulting in diminishing physiological reactions, a process believed to underlie recovery from PTSD. Studies suggest that orexin, a wake-promoting neuropeptide, may enhance fear extinction. This study will examine whether suvorexant, a selective orexin-receptor antagonist, will enhance fear extinction in Veterans with PTSD and insomnia. Finding a role for orexins in fear extinction will support the rationale for its further evaluation in the treatment of PTSD. Suvorexant is an accessible, safe medication that has been well-established in treating insomnia. It has outstanding promise for treating common and distressing symptoms in Veterans with PTSD.
Transcendental Meditation in Veterans and First Responders With PTSD
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The present study is part of a Phase 3 multi-site clinical trial that will recruit veterans and first responders diagnosed with PTSD, where they will be randomized to receive either Transcendental Meditation (TM) or Present Centered Therapy (PCT). Five assessments will be conducted, at: 1) baseline, 2) midpoint, 3) posttreatment, 4) three months posttreatment and 5) six months posttreatment. All assessments will be completed using remote HIPAA-compliant videoconferencing. The study protocol at NYSPI/Columbia will also include Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) before and after treatment to elucidate neural predictors and mechanisms of these two treatment approaches. Enrollment will include veterans and first responders with PTSD. Both TM and PCT will be provided by trained staff receiving weekly supervision. This trial is funded by the David Lynch Foundation and will recruit approximately 360 veterans and first responders over a three-year period.
Key Dimensions of PTSD and ED
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This study will test whether endothelial dysfunction could be the early subclinical mechanism by which posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) increases cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk, and whether posttraumatic fear-a key component of PTSD-or another PTSD dimension could be the target to offset that risk. The results of this study may help trauma-exposed individuals who are at risk of having CVD events.
Latent Structure of Multi-level Assessments and Predictors of Outcomes for Women in Recovery
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In this study the investigators will seek to improve their understanding of how positive and negative valence systems, cognition, and arousal/interoception are inter-related in disorders of trauma, mood, substance use, and eating behavior for women involved in a court diversion program in Tulsa, Oklahoma (Women in Recovery). The investigators will recruit 100 individuals and use a wide range of assessment tools, neuroimaging measures, blood and microbiome collections and behavioral tasks to complete the baseline and follow-up study visits. Upon completion, the investigators aim to have robust and reliable dimensional measures that quantify these systems and a set of assessments that should be recommended as a clinical tool to enhance outcome prediction for the clinician and assist in determining who will likely benefit from the diversion program, and to inform future revision or augmentation of the program to increase treatment effectiveness.
Optimizing Cognitive Remediation
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Veterans with mental illness face challenges with community reintegration, including achieving vocational success, attaining their educational goals and going back to school, and maintaining a high quality of life. VA Mental Health Residential Rehabilitation Treatment Programs, Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Recovery Centers and other mental health treatment programs are designed to help Veterans overcome these barriers, but cognitive impairment often seen in Veterans with mental illness limits gains from these settings. Cognitive remediation interventions can be helpful, but they are either "one-size fits all," and thus may not be useful for all Veterans with mental illness, or are too narrow in scope, focusing on specific mental illnesses, limiting generalizability. This project will test whether an objective neurophysiological biomarker, mismatch negativity (MMN), can better match the "right" Veteran to the "right" cognitive remediation treatment regardless of their specific mental health diagnosis.
Our lead scientists for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder research studies include Thomas C. Neylan, MD Yash B. Joshi, MD PhD Dana Rose Garfin Daniel M Stout, PhD Joshua Woolley, MD, PhD Catherine R Ayers, PhD Joaquin Anguera, PhD Peter Colvonen, PhD Nooshin Razani, MD MPH Jessica K Jeffrey, MD, MPH, MBA Nicholas Holder, PhD Jean-philippe Langevin Shira Maguen, PhD Jessica Bomyea Lara Ray, PhD Leslie A. Morland, PsyD Anne Richards, MD, MPH James Pittman, PhD MSW Nanthia Suthana Gregory Light, PhD Anne L Malaktaris Kevin Bickart, MD/PhD Sabra S Inslicht, PhD Sonya B. Norman, PhD Naser Ahmadi, MD PhD Monica Kelly, PhD Lizabeth A Goldstein, PhD Annesa P Flentje, PhD.
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