
for people ages 18 years and up (full criteria)
study started
completion around
Principal Investigator
by Caspian Oliai (ucla)



This trial will look at a drug called SEA-CD70 with and without azacitidine, to find out if it is safe for patients with myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) and acute myeloid leukemia (AML). It will study SEA-CD70 to find out what its side effects are and if it works for AML and MDS. A side effect is anything the drug does besides treating cancer.

This study will have six groups or "parts."

  • Part A will find out how much SEA-CD70 should be given to patients.
  • Part B will use the dose found in Part A to find out how safe SEA-CD70 is and if it works to treat patients with MDS.
  • Part C will use the dose found in Part A to find out how safe SEA-CD70 is and if it works to treat patients with AML.
  • Part D will find out how much SEA-CD70 with azacitidine should be given to patients.
  • Part E will use the dose found in Part D to find out how safe SEA-CD70 with azacitidine is and if it works to treat patients with MDS or MDS/AML that has not been treated.
  • Part F will use the dose found in Part D to find out how safe SEA-CD70 with azacitidine is and if it works to treat patients with MDS or MDS/AML.

Official Title

A Phase 1 Study of SEA-CD70 in Myeloid Malignancies


This is a phase 1, open-label, multicenter, dose-finding, and dose expansion study designed to evaluate the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics (PK), and antitumor activity of SEA-CD70 monotherapy and SEA-CD70 in combination with azacitidine in adults with myeloid malignancies. The study will be conducted in up to 6 parts.

  • Part A is a dose-escalation cohort designed to identify the MTD or recommended expansion dose of SEA-CD70 monotherapy in participants with relapsed/refractory (hypomethylating agent [HMA]-failure) MDS.
  • Part B is an expansion cohort designed to evaluate the safety and tolerability of SEA-CD70 monotherapy in participants with relapsed/refractory (HMA-failure) MDS.
  • Part C is an expansion cohort designed to evaluate the safety and tolerability of SEA-CD70 monotherapy in participants with relapsed/refractory AML.
  • Part D contains dose-finding/dose optimization cohorts designed to evaluate the safety/tolerability and identify the recommended expansion dose of SEA-CD70 in combination with azacitidine in participants with 1) relapsed/refractory (HMA-failure) MDS or MDS/AML, and 2) previously untreated higher-risk per IPSS-M (Moderate High, High or Very High) MDS or MDS/AML.
  • Part E is an expansion cohort designed to evaluate the safety and tolerability of SEA-CD70 in combination with azacitidine in participants with previously untreated higher-risk per IPSS-M (Moderate High, High, or Very High) MDS or MDS/AML.
  • Part F is an expansion cohort designed to evaluate the safety and tolerability of SEA-CD70 in combination with azacitidine in participants with relapsed/refractory (HMA-failure) MDS or MDS/AML.


Myelodysplastic Syndrome, Acute Myeloid Leukemia, Seattle Genetics, Myelodysplastic Syndromes, Azacitidine, SEA-CD70


For people ages 18 years and up

Part A Inclusion Criteria

  • Participants with cytologically/histologically confirmed MDS according to the 2016 World Health Organization (WHO) classification with the following:
    • Measurable disease per WHO MDS with excess blasts criteria as defined either:

      - 5%-9% blasts in the bone marrow or 2%-4% blasts in the peripheral blood or - 10%-19% blasts in the bone marrow or 5%-19% blasts in the peripheral blood

    • MDS that is relapsed or refractory and must not have other therapeutic options known to provide clinical benefit in MDS available.
    • Treatment failure after prior hypomethylating agent (HMA) therapy for MDS, defined as one of the following:

      - Progression (per 2006 International Working Group [IWG] criteria) at any time after initiation of HMA therapy. - Lack of response (failure to achieve complete remission [CR], partial response [PR], or hematologic improvement [HI] per 2006 IWG criteria) after at least 6 cycles of azacitidine (or equivalent HMA) or 4 cycles of decitabine (or equivalent HMA). - Relapse after achievement of CR, PR, or HI (per 2006 IWG criteria). - Intolerance of HMA (Grade 3 or higher non-hematologic toxicity leading to treatment discontinuation). - Participants with isolated 5q-/5q- syndrome must have progressed, failed, relapsed, or not tolerated lenalidomide in addition to HMA.

  • Must be off HMA therapy ≥ 2 weeks and must be off any other treatments for MDS for ≥ 4 weeks prior to first dose of SEA-CD70; growth factors and transfusions are allowed before and during the study as clinically indicated
  • Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status of 0-1

Part B Inclusion Criteria

  • Participants with cytologically/histologically confirmed MDS according to the WHO classification with the following:
    • Measurable disease per WHO MDS with excess blasts (MDS-EB) criteria as defined either:

      - 5%-9% blasts in the bone marrow or 2%-4% blasts in the peripheral blood, or - 10%-19% blasts in the bone marrow or 5%-19% blasts in the peripheral blood

    • MDS that is relapsed or refractory and must not have other therapeutic options known to provide clinical benefit in MDS available.
    • Treatment failure after prior HMA therapy for MDS defined as one of the following:

      - Progression (per 2006 IWG criteria) at any time after initiation of HMA therapy. - Lack of response (failure to achieve CR, PR, or HI per 2006 IWG criteria) after at least 6 cycles of azacitidine or 4 cycles of decitabine. - Relapse after achievement of CR, PR, or HI (per 2006 IWG criteria). - Intolerance of HMA (Grade 3 or higher non-hematologic toxicity leading to treatment discontinuation). - Participants with isolated 5q-/5q- syndrome must have progressed, failed, relapsed, or not tolerated lenalidomide in addition to HMA.

  • Must be off HMA therapy ≥ 2 weeks and must be off any other systemic treatments for MDS for ≥ 4 weeks prior to first dose of SEA-CD70; growth factors and transfusions are allowed before and during the study as clinically indicated.
  • ECOG Performance Status of 0-2

Part C Inclusion Criteria

  • Participants with relapsed or refractory AML according to International Consensus Classification (ICC) 2022 (except for acute promyelocytic leukemia [APL]):
    • Who have received either 2 or 3 previous regimens to treat active disease. Post-remission treatments, intrathecal chemotherapy, and radiotherapy are not considered previous regimens.
    • Who have received 1 previous regimen to treat active disease and have at least one of the following:

      - Age > 60 and ≤75 years. - Primary resistant AML (defined as failure to achieve CR after 1-2 courses of induction therapy) - First CR duration <6 months - Adverse-risk per European Leukemia Network genetic risk stratification - Secondary AML (prior history of MDS or therapy-related)

  • Age 18-75 years
  • ECOG performance status of 0-2

Parts D and F Inclusion Criteria

  • Participants with diagnosis of MDS or MDS/AML according to ICC 2022 criteria
  • Disease which has relapsed, failed to respond after minimum of 6 cycles, or progressed following an HMA in the immediately preceding line of therapy.
  • Eligible for continued therapy with azacitidine
  • Must be off any other systemic treatment for AML/MDS. Must be off HMA therapy ≥ (greater than or equal to) 2 weeks and any other systemic treatments for MDS for ≥ (greater than or equal to) 4 weeks prior to first dose of SEA-CD70
  • ECOG Performance Status 0-2

Parts D and E Inclusion Criteria

  • Participants with diagnosis of MDS or MDS/AML according to ICC 2022 criteria, previously untreated.
    • Participants with MDS/AML should not have AML-defining cytogenetics.
  • Participants with higher-risk (Moderate High, High, or Very High) per Molecular International Prognostic Scoring System (IPSS-M) MDS and MDS/AML
  • ECOG Performance Status 0-2

Exclusion Criteria (All Parts)


  • UCLA Department of Medicine - Hematology & Oncology accepting new patients
    Los Angeles California 90095 United States
  • City of Hope accepting new patients
    Duarte California 91010-3000 United States

Lead Scientist at University of California Health

  • Caspian Oliai (ucla)
    HS Assistant Clinical Professor, Medicine. Authored (or co-authored) 27 research publications


accepting new patients
Start Date
Completion Date
Seagen Inc.
Phase 1 research study
Study Type
Expecting 140 study participants
Last Updated