Currently a multiport robotic surgery platform (Intuitive Xi) is widely available and used for colorectal surgery indications. A Single port platform (Intuitive SP) is FDA approved for Head and Neck and Urology but has not been widely used in colorectal surgery. This study seeks to evaluate the safe and effective use of the SP platform for colorectal surgery indications.
This is a single center, prospective, open-label, investigator initiated, non-randomized, interventional case-control study where researchers will study colorectal surgical procedures done using the novel Single Port (SP) Robotic Platform and compare perioperative outcomes to colorectal surgical cases done using the traditional Multi-port (Xi) Robotic Platform.
AIM 1 To assess the feasibility and safety/quality of a SP platform for transabdominal and transanal colorectal operations which are currently done using multiport robotic platforms.
AIM 2 To evaluate safety and quality outcomes post SP surgery in comparison with contemporaneous standard multiport Xi platform procedures.